
What time of the day is it the most hottest? My Husband says noon I say 2:00 which one of us is correct?

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What time of the day is it the most hottest? My Husband says noon I say 2:00 which one of us is correct?




  1. Noon is when the sun is at it's most high. I would say that in the area of 3 or 4 would be hottest, because the sun has just had more time to bake, both during it's highest point, and after. noon is when it starts to get hot but mid to late afternoon is when it's at it's worst.

  2. 2 o'clock is closer.  The air is not directly heated by the sun but by objects that the sun heats.  These objects, the ground, the oceans, ect. continue to build heat even after the peak of insolation that occurs at noon.  It isn't until about 3 o'clock that they start to equal heat loss with heat absorbtion.  And as the hours go on these object loose more heat.  Ever touch a rock or asphalt after the sun goes down after a hot day?  They are still hot and hotter than the air but still transfering heat the the air in contact with them.  This of course describes a more or less perfect situation and does not take into account other things that heat the air, such as compression.

  3. Local apparent noon is about 1:00, and the heat builds up a bit. I'd say 2:00 is closer to correct.

  4. Neither, temperature is greatest just about 3 pm.  The sun has to be overhead a while before air heats up.

  5. Several things will determine this.

    Time of year, of course; location on Earth; and if you are in an urban or rural area.

    The Texas city where I live often has its high temperature between 5p-6p. The official site to take temperature is the airport with all that (hot) concrete.

  6. it depends ... like any other geographical thing

    but i can say that between 13-16 the sun's activity is strong and it is recommended to protect yourself of it

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