
What time should I arrive at school on the first day?

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My school hasnt left any messages on what time to arrive there...

a normal day of school is 9:10am to 4:10 pm

so should i arrive there at 8:30? for registration and all??




  1. Schools don't usually leave messages for what time you should be there. I would be there early, 8:30 or earlier sounds perfect. Just in case...

    Hope i helped

  2. you can usually get away with being late...

  3. Oh yeah, definitely arrive at 8:30. The lines could be long, and you might get delayed or, you'll want a while to put your stuff in your locker (and find your locker and classrooms, if you don't know where they are yet)

  4. you dont have to register. your autimatically registered into the schools comoputer wen the new school year starts. jsut hop on the bus and youll be there in time with everone else. and it usualyy says stuff about the school in the newspaper. im always updated with events at school cuz i read the newspaper. butif you dont have a bus to go on then it depends how far away your school is. but i would say if you live preppty close then leave around 8:50 and far then leave around 8:30.. becouse you dont need to register.. the school does that for me they know you are coming to that school. even if you are knew. your prevouse school would send the data to it by fax.  

  5. My school starts at 8:35. I am arriving at eight, but we already had registration and everything. However, our locker combinations were wrong so I still have to set mine up. Also, I have to get a class changed.

    I would suggest arriving thirty minutes ahead of time.

  6. Uhmm just go there whenever the bus drops you off..

  7. loll...ummm they should tell you a time, well I was never good with time that probably explains why i had like 40 something lateness's on my report card loll but yeah whatever time they tell you try and get there a little earlier, don't be like me and come to school 4th period(11:05) when school starts at 8:30 loll

  8. Wow, I've never heard of a school day beginning past 9am.  

    Anyway, your school's website will probably have the hours of the day on it.  You could also call the school and ask.

  9. no keep sleeping

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