
What time should I go to bed tonight?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to NYC tomarrow at 9:00 and I have to wake up at 7:00 and I usualy wake up at like 10:30 cause I usualy go to bed at like 1:00 A.M. so I just don't want to miss my flight and I want to wake up on time without being a grouch and all grumpy when I go to NYC to go see my family!




  1. I would have to say whenever your tired you should sleep.


    nice to see your a Texan too btw :]


  2. just go to bed at normal time. if i try to go to bed early when im not tired i end up not being able to sleep. then i fall asleep later than i would have if i just went to bed at normaltime.

    have fun on your trip!!

  3. I suggest that you go to the airport now itself so that you can get your flight as well a sound sleep.

  4. ha ha ha

    great thanks

    enjoy your trip

  5. staqy up all nte, it will work!!!

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