
What time should I go to sleep if...?

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I'm 13 years old and when school starts I have to wake up at 5:30 a.m. If i want to get a full good night's sleep what time should I go to sleep at night?

(10 points best answer)




  1. 9:00 to 9:30.

  2. it depends on how long you like to sleep. i like to get 9 hours or else im tired and crabby. so, i suggest you could go to bed at 8 or 9.

  3. You should go to sleep at...

    9:00 or 10:00

  4. seriously you should start to wind down at 9.30.  Go to bed at 9.30 and read until 10.00, lights off and then sleep.  If you can't sleep do not get out of bed or anything daft. just stay put and relax.  But that last half hour should be quite and restful.  Don't read school work (e.g. if you have a test the next day don't study this late) read something pleasurable.

  5. according to studies you just have to go to bed when you are tired, try reading before going to bed, if you can't keep your eyes open it's time to go to sleep. then wake up at 5:30 the next morning and repeat this again the next day (you will probably get tired earlier) , this way you get into a rythm and you feel rested in the morning.

  6. 9 or 9:30 yea its too early but that way you have at least eight hours of sleep.

  7. 9:30 or 10pm is reasonable, they say 8 hrs is a full nights sleep but I usually function better on less, more like six hours.

  8. For a 13 year old, 9 hours is the suggested amount of sleep so you should go to bed around 8:30pm.  You must be very mature if you already understand the importance of getting enough sleep!

  9. your best bet is 9 o clock. but 10 or 11 is alright too if you like to stay up and fiend on myspace or the television or whatever. the average person needs 7-10 hours.

  10. If you want to het a full nights sleep you need at least 10hours at your age. It might seem weird going to bed so early so start out later then gradually go to bed later. And since it might take a while to fall asleep you should  be in bed before you want to go to sleep. 7:00 pm is around the earliest you should fall asleep. No offence nothing personal but it's funny how some people are sleeping and I haven't had dinner yet!

  11. Im 14, my highschool starts at 7:00 am

    Well, thats what time my first class starts, i get up 5:30 too, and i got to sleep at eleven or twelve, and i feel fully rested, lol

  12. Probably about 9:30 because you need at least eight hours of sleep at thirteen. If you're one of those people (like me) that can't go to sleep right away, you should go to bed about 15 minutes earlier (9:15) so that you have 15 minutes to go to sleep. I hope that helps! =)

  13. 9:00 would be the ideal time.

    That will give you 8 full hours of sleep giving you a half an hour to fully fall asleep

  14. 930 to get 8 hours of sleep

  15. 9:00pm

  16. I'd say 8:30 pm, but make 9 pm the latest. sleep is necessary. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.  

  17. Well for your age, you should be getting 8-9 hours of sleep. So if you are waking at 5:30am, I would try to be asleep by 9:30pm. You will need to give yourself some time to relax and get to sleep, maybe by reading a book or something, so I would be in bed by 9pm.

  18. I would say, go to bed at 9:00.

    It may be hard the first day, if you've been up later all summer.

    Try to gradually get up earlier and earlier for the rest of August. And try to get into bed at 9:00. To make the adjustment easier, take a book to bed with you and read 'til you fall asleep.

    This habit will suit you well your whole life. Ignore anyone and anything that discourages you.  

  19. 8:30 will get you 9 hours. Which can really make a difference on how you feel at school.

    9:30 would be the recommended LATEST, 8 hours at your age is largely needed.

  20. 8 hours, so 9:30.

    kids and old people may sleep less. shouldn't stay up much past 10 though.  

  21. 8:30 That gives your your required 9 hours,most young people need at least 9 to 10 hours sleep a night.that dosent give you much time for recreation and home work.Why do you get up so early?If it is to get dressed and the hair and makeup ,then lay out your outfit for the next day the night before.get your bath also that night,and if your hair need it the next morning re-wet it ,good luck.I wish i could help more but its all about managing your time.

  22. yeah like 9 or 10am I wake up at 4:30am and I go to bed around 10p or a little earlier and I feel fine , not tired all day at all.

  23. go to bed at 10:00 its important to get rest at your age or else you wont grow

    i'm 13 too and i need to get up at 6:30 and i got to bed at 11 ish

  24. at 13 you should get at least 8 hours sleep, so the answer to your question you should get to bed no later than 21:30(9:30pm)

  25. The reasonable amount of sleep you should get is aroung 8 hours..

    so you may want to sleep around 9:30 pm

  26. wow 05:30 :O

    ur school must start early :P

    ermm if u want to get the general,recomended night sleep then 8 hours(go sleep at 21:30pm / 09:30 pm around that

    OR if 10 called ''the full night'' so basically fresh 100% :P

    then at 19:30pm / 07:30pm

  27. You need to get approximately 9 hours of sleep.  If you wake up at 5:30 AM then you would go to sleep at 8:30 PM the night before.

  28. probably about nine thirty because then you are getting 8 hours of sleep but you don't want to go to bed too early if your not gonna be able to fall asleep...

  29. 09.30 pm because you will be receiving the recommended hours of sleep - which is 8 hours by the way.

  30. Doctors recommend people your age get 9 hours sleep a night. I would suggest going to bed at around 8:30 or 9:00 pm.

  31. While it's still summer (and since you're 13), you probably still have some time left that you don't need to wake at a specific time. Start making notes on how long you sleep when you don't need to go to bed at a specific time or wake at a specific time. (For example, if you fall asleep at 11:00 and wake at 7:00, that's eight hours. Maybe one night you'll sleep for seven hours and another night you'll sleep for nine hours, but if this pattern continues, you'll sleep for an average of eight hours.) Subtract what your average is from when you need to wake and that's when you need to go to sleep.

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