
What time should I ride?

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Ok I live in Oklahoma and I was wondering what time should I ride.I don't have an indoor arena and I live in the country so I have to do it outside.In Oklahoma it gets pretty hot.So what time would be best.




  1. Go out first thing in the morning. It'll be light out, and fairly cool, and probably not as many bugs!

  2. Early morning before 9 or anytime after 6 pm. Be sure to use bug spray for you and the horse

  3. I live in ohio and it gets pretty hot here to in the summer I wake up at about 5:30 A.M. and I am riding by 6:00 A.M.. what ever time the sun comes up is when I ride. when ever it gets daylight there is when I would be riding. It is easier on the horse and easier on you to get out and ride while it is still cool in the morning. There is sometimes that it is pretty cool in the afternoon when I ride when I have things to do in the mornings. What ever time it is cool for you and your horse.

                          Happy Trails = )

  4. when the sun is just setting and you still get an hour or so

  5. I live in a desert where the average summer temperature is 115 degrees..Though this past week it has been more like 125.  I like to ride in the morning anyway because it is calm and a great start to your day.  I went at night a few days and didn't even ride because it was still extremely hot from the sun shining all day.  Yesterday I got to the barn at five and finished riding at about seven.  Today I got there at seven and finished at about eight thirty.  Yesterday was perfect, even a little cool in the beginning, but today was hot.  And the sun had only been up for two hours.  I don't know what it is like in Oklahoma, but if it anything like here, I would suggest going at sunrise.  You don't get to sleep in :( but it is worth it

  6. Avoid the hottest part of the day(which is from 2-4). So around 9 am-12pm or from 5pm-9pm. If you have a lighted arena then you can do it from 9 pm- 10pm.

  7. early morning after sun up or late in the evening about 6 pm. I like to ride in the evening personally

  8. I would ride very early in the morning or late at night. I hope that helps you

  9. Morning, or evening. When the sun is low

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