
What time should a 14 year old go to bed on a school night?

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ok I am 14 and I was wonderin if i get up at 6:30 am for school what time should i be going to bed




  1. Well i'm 13, and I go to bed at 10:00, so I would say that's a good time.  =]]

  2. 9 hrs sleep a night

  3. im 13 and i usually head downstairs at 10 or 10:30 usually dont fall asleep till like 12,im like never tired at skool, but thats just me.when do u go to bed?

    =^]. . .<---pretty sweet huh?

  4. 10:00-10:30

  5. i used to go to bed at 11:00pm and wake up at 5:00am but now i am not in school so i do what i want when i want

  6. I think 8:30pm or 9:00pm because that would give you about 9 hours of sleep and normal teenager need about 10 hours of sleep.

  7. When I was in middle school and had to get up that early I was usually in the bed by 10:00pm.

  8. 10

  9. You should be in bed 8 to 10 hours before you need to be up. Early teen years is a period of a lot of growth anything less then 8 to 10 hours of sleep can leave you lethargic.

  10. 10:00 PM, any earlier and you might not actually be tired. That's when I always fell asleep and got up at 14. Now I'm 15 and it's still the same time.

  11. 10:00PM

  12. If you want a good night sleep and to feel rested for the morning you should probably start getting ready for bed at 10:00, and be in bed by 10:30..You will probably feel a lot more rested if you get that many hours of sleep! Supposedly, depending on how many hours you slept before midnight doubles..So, if you sleep from 10 to 12, it really feels like you've slept 4 hours instead of 2..Hmm.

  13. 10:00

  14. i start my night routine around 10.

    shower until like, 10:30.

    last minuet interneting.

    then in bed around 11:00.

    fall asleep at 11:30-ish.

    i wake up at 6. well thats my alarm, but its more like 6:30. ha!

    i always have enough energy to get me through my day too.

  15. 9:00-10:00 or at least 8 hours before you wake up to get ready to go to school. a hour or few after 10:00 youll be tired tommorow nearly gurranted, if this happens somehow, i reccomend monster energy drink ;)

  16. One question you need to ask is does how much sleep does my child need.  I would say no later than 10:00pm on a school night! That would give your child at least 8 and a half hours of sleep.  Don't forget you can't always fall asleep when your head hits the pillow.  Also when you child is tired they will go to sleep on there own even if it's only 6:30pm.  When I was younger and active in sports and my body was tied I would fall asleep!(not meaning to) I wish you the best of luck!

  17. That is very responsible of you.

    My 13 yr old honor student goes to bed between 8 & 9. She reads until she gets tired. Usually puts her out in about an hour.

    Reading will increase your vocab, inprove your spelling, as well as put you to sleep.

    Give it a try.

  18. about 9:30 to 10 would be good

  19. I had to be at work by 7am, and was in bed around 9. I read a little bit, then would go to sleep. It worked nicely. A 14 year old needs more sleep as your body is growing.

  20. honestly around 9:30 - 10:00 to get you a good 8-9 hours which is the recommended average for your age.

  21. You should get at least 8 hours a night for someone your age. For you to better function in school sleep is a necessity.

  22. we only need 7-8 hours a night, most people sleep too much id say about: 10:30 at the latest thats 8 hours a night, some people might say this is late but its how much we need and when your at school you have to socialise after school, watch tv, have dinner and do homework and assignments theres alot to fit in so i think that would be an optimum time

  23. Enough time to get 8 hours of sleep so....10:00

    If you get up at 7 go to bed at 11

    If you get up at 8 go to bed at 12

    If you get up at 6 got to bed at 10

    If you get up at 6 go to bed at 9

    If you get up at 5 go to bed at 8

    If you get up any earlier id say your crazy

  24. im 14 and i go to sleep at 10:30 yeah im still tired but then i get up and move around for a while and eat breakfast and i wake up. i have to get up at 6.

  25. Hi..

    i had two sons who seemed to need completely different bedtimes.

    for example, my older child had to go to bed by 8 or 8:30 when he was in grade school; otherwise he'd be grouchy and tired the next day.  on the other hand my younger child could stay up later... he didn't seem to require as much sleep.

    i think that, it depends upon the individual.  go to bed when you feel sleepy.  If you have a test or a big day planned, go to bed earlier than usual... that's the best way to do it!

    and take care.

  26. At 14, my stepdaughter was deciding for herself when to go to bed, dealing with the consequences of a 'too late' night the next day, if she had to, and learning from the experience.

    If she had continued to make bad choices for herself, though, we would have had to step in & take that choice away from her.  But, she didn't - she found the right bedtime that works for her on her own.  

    She usually goes to bed around 10 or 10:30, then wakes at 6:30, 8 hours later.

  27. I would say probably 9:30-10:00 if you cant seem to fall asleep quickly right after laying down then lay down a bit earlier that way you are asleep around 10:00 so that you get enough rest! If you are still feeling tired then maybe take a short nap after school! only like 20 mins- 30 mins that way you wont ruin your sleep schedule

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