
What time should a 6 year old child go to bed?

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What time should a 6 year old child go to bed?




  1. For children 6-9 years of age the suggested bedtime is 8-9 pm.

  2. Well my Daughter is 6 and she will go to bed anywhere between 8:30 to no later than 10:30 depending on what we are doing and how tired she is. I try to get her into bed around 9:30 if I can. I usually go on how tired she feels.

  3. 7:30

    or 8 at the latest

  4. No later than 8 I think.... about 7 - 7:30

  5. between 8:00 and 8:30

  6. It all depends on the time the 6 year old wakes up, but probably the best time to put your child to bed is 7:30.

  7. I dont think it really matters what time as long as they get at least 10 hours of sleep, i know it seems like a lot but his/her little body is growing fast! what my parents did for me wich worked quite well is they put me to bed just a few hours before them and let me sleep in a few hours after they woke up. this gives the child a sence that you (if you are the parent?) are always there and creates a sence of stability.

    good luck getting him/her to sleep tho, i know how children can be at that age! :)

  8. 8pm

  9. When I was 8 I went to bed at 8:30

  10. Early enough to get 10 ¾ - 12 hours of sleep per day

  11. Between 8 and 8:30 p.m.

  12. 8:30 maybe 9:00

  13. 8:00pm

  14. i say about 7:30 7:45 at the latest i would not let my daughter stay up later than 8:45

  15. I have a 7 year old that goes to bed at 9-10 in the summer and 8:30 during the school year! Yayy September!! School!!!

  16. btween 7 an 8 pm

  17. In the summer they will sleep when they need it.

    During the school year 8:00 because they have to wake up early. During the summer a schedule doesn't matter they will sleep when they need it.

  18. 8:00

  19. 8:30

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