
What time should i wake up for school?

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Ok so I have to ride the bus for school,and they said that the bus will be around my house about...6:35.But the thing is the the bus stop is pretty far away from my house. it'll take a good...10 minutes for me to get there so....what time should i wake up?and what time should i leave my house to cacth the bus on time?




  1. early

  2. always be early the first week or so.

    wake at 5:40

    Get ready 5:40-6:20

    Leave house at 5:20

    be there 5 minutes early

  3. It really depends on how much time it takes you to get ready for school. If you take like 45 minutes, then it would probably be a good idea to wake up at 5:30 If less then at 5:50 Or something like that  

  4. Well, it really depends on how long it takes for you to get ready. If it takes less than an hour, wake up around 5:30. If it takes an hour or a little longer, wake up around 5:00. You should be leaving the house at 6:20 to catch the bus on time. 10 minutes to get there, and then you have 5 extra minutes until the bus comes. If you think 5-5:30 is not a good time to wake up, ask a friend who takes the bus what time they are waking up at.

    Good luck! :)

  5. Make a list of what you have to do before school (ie. breakfast, shower, etc).

    Time yourself doing these things.

    Create a morning schedule.

    Plan to arrive to the bus stop 5 minutes early (just in case).

  6. You should get up at least 5:00, depending on how long youtake to  get ready, and if you eat in the mornings, because some people dont. And i would leave your house about 6:20 just incase it comes early.

  7. Remember early IS ALWAYS better than late. You cannot count on the bus being on time. Ensure everything is ready to go with you out the door when you leave. Act like a Marine, check and double check your stuff before you hit the sack. Put everything buy the door. Get all of your clothes set out before as well. NO CHANGING your mind on them.

    Ask yourself:

    how easy do I get up? If you  are not an easy riser, try % a.m. if this is too easy , and you get out and ready to get on the bus well before the yellow demon arrives, -say for a week, then try perhaps 5:20. Remember things happen- plan for shoelaces breaking, spilling breakfast on yourself, ect. Good luck.

    and no...dont sleep in school

  8. around 5:30 if u want to eat and chill out for lil bit and still make it

  9. Depends on how long it takes you to get ready and whether or not you shower in the morning.

    If it takes you 10 minutes to shower, 10 minutes to get ready, 10 minutes to eat breakfast and an extra 10 minutes of leeway in case you get hung up in on of the other tasks or need to finish some last minute homework, and the 10 minutes it takes to walk to the bus stop.

    Get up at 5:30 or 5:40ish

    If you don't shower in the morning and you don't need the extra time - 5:40 - 5:50 will be fine.

    good luck catching the school bus.

  10. Wow your bus comes really early. I get up at 6:30am because my bus comes at 7:20. But I think that if you need an hour to get ready then you should get up at 5:20.

  11. hoooly h**l thats early.

    i'd have to wake up at like 4:30! but it just depends on how long you take to get ready..

  12. I would say 5:45

  13. It all depends on your morning routine. If you're pretty low maintenance and can get dressed (that includes hair, shower, clothes, bag packed)  in 20 minutes, like me, I'd say you could get up at 5:45, maybe 5:50 am. If you take a little longer, I'd say get up at 5:30.

    If you eat breakfast in the morning, I'd say give yourself an extra 15 minutes (depending on your maintenance level). So if you can get dressed in 20 minutes and eat breakfast, I'd say get up at 5:30, finish eating by 5:45, be dressed and ready to go by 6:15 and leave by 6:20. If it takes 10 minutes, That gives you five minutes just in case you need to run back home for a second, just in case you are a little late, or maybe if the bus gets there early.

    If it takes you about 40+ minutes to get dressed and eat breakfast, I'd say get up at 5:00, finish eating by 5:20, get dressed and ready to go by 6:10am. Again, leave at about 6:15 or 6:20.

  14. I take about 1:30, so i'd wake up at like 5:00, but i shower, eat breakfast, do hair ( takes a long time), etc. If you plan on showering at night, there's no need to blow dry your hair, so 5:25 to 5:40 would be fine.

  15. 5:00am

  16. Wake up at 5.35

    give yourself 45 minutes to get ready

    then leave your house at 6:20.. so you have atleast 15 minutes to get to the busstop with a bit of time to spare so you aint rushing!


  17. i think you should wake at 5.30 a.m.

  18. sleep at school

  19. 6:10

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