
What time should my 10 yearold daughter go to bed?

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im a mom and during school she wants to wake up at 630 what time should she go to bed




  1. I would put her to bed by 8:30 with 30-60 minutes of reading time, lights out at 9-9:30 at the latest. Kids this age need at least 8 hours of sleep, and I find giving the reading time means they are ready to go to sleep within about 45 minutes of bed time- ALSO- it kills two birds with one stone, getting in a good amount of reading AND making bed time seem less "final", then they kind of make their own decision to go to bed in 30-60 minutes.

  2. I have a 10-year-old, too.  During the summer, you might be able to let her stay up a little later than during the school year as a special treat, depending on her morning schedule.  Don't let her stay up too much later, though, or she will have trouble going to bed earlier once school starts.  

    The time that she gets up in the morning can determine what time she should go to bed; at age 10, she probably needs 9 - 10 hours of sleep at night.  If she gets in bed by 8:30 and reads and relaxes for 30 minutes and is asleep by 9:00, she should be well-rested and able to get up by 6:30 in the morning.

  3. My 9yr old son goes to bed between 8 and 8:30pm on school nights.  He will be 10yrs old in February and I see no reason to keep him up later.  He wakes up at 6:15am for school.

  4. At that age, I would got to bed at 8:30 and be allowed to read or do something util about 9:30. I think the descision is up to you as her parent.

  5. 10 pm

  6. It depends on the child and also the number of siblings. My ten year old has three older brothers and stays up a bit later, until 9.30pm most nights.

    If the child wakes easily in the morning they have had adequate sleep. even if you make a bed time you cannot MAKE a child fall asleep. Best to work in with the kid and if you see that they aren't falling asleep, perhaps let them stay up in bed and read a book for a while.

    If you find their work at school or their behavior at home is not good, you could tell them that they must have an earlier bed time?

    Just when you get it all figured out, they will have a birthday and ask to stay up later again!!!

  7. 1100

  8. although many people are saying 9-9:30, i would think this was too late. children that age need ten to eleven hours of sleep to be healthy. i would say in bed at 8, read until 8:30.

    please make the responsible decision that will benefit your daughter!!!!!

  9. She should go to bed when you tell her to. I think I might be a little conservative, but I would say 9:00.

  10. What time does she NEED to go to bed in order to get herself out of bed in the morning?

  11. my 10 year old must start getting ready for bed at 8:45 and must be in bed by 9:15 and can read or play her s until 9:30

  12. If your child is getting up at 6:30 in the am then I would suggest  9- 9:30.  This would give your daughter adaquate sleep and be ready for school in the morning.

  13. 8:30pm and be asleep by 9:00pm


  14. 9pm

  15. 9:00.  That would give her plenty of sleep.

  16. def 9 bc a child needs at least 8 hours of sleep to get any rest

  17. When I was 10 my mom made me get ready for bed around 8:45 and then made me go to my room and play or whatever till 9:00 then play for about 10-30 minutes. But if you want to make sure she gets enough sleep and goes to bed on time ask her to read that way she will get reading in everyday and will make her get tired so that way she has time between 10-30 mins to fall asleep. But YOU are the parent and maybe you should come up with about 2 or 3 different schedules and then ask her which she likes best. (That way she will get to pick which one she likes best and you get to pick the times you like best) :) I Hope I Helped!

  18. I would say from 9:30-10:00!!!

  19. 9:00.

  20. Well at about 9:00 PM! That gives her a perfect 9  hours of sleep. Have her start getting ready for bed at about 8:45, then have her in bed at 9:00. She can read or whatever till 9:30. Then its lights out. I am 11, and this worked for me. Also, NO COMPUTER, OR ELECTRONICS (TV DOESNT COUNT OR CELLS) BUT NOTHING TO STIMULATE HER AFTER 8:00!!!! Trust me it works. I never slept so my mom took me to a doctor and he told u these things. I promise u it will work. Normally, i cant stay up till 1:00 AM, but with computer i feel like i can stay up all night!!!!!! I promise u it works. .

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