
What time should my child go to bed(see details)?

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Hes 13 and school starts at 7:30 and we leave at 6:45 What time should he wake up and go to bed and how many hours?




  1. He needs between 8 and 10 hours of sleep. Closer to the 10 would be better based upon his age. I'm assuming he has to get up by 6, so he should be in bed by 8, 9 at the latest on school nights.  

  2. I would start with a 10pm bedtime with a condition:  If he can maintain grades for the first semester or trimester and follow house rules, he can stay at 10pm for school nights and 11:30 for weekends/no school nights.  If he seems to have trouble waking and doing school work, tell him he will be set back to a 9:30 bed time for school nights.  My kids need 45 min. every morning to get ready for school.  Some of their friends take 30 and others need a full hour.  This will have to be flexible to his and your needs.  A lot of kids do fine with 8 hrs. every night, others need more.  Best wishes to you and your family  :)

  3. Depends on how many hours he takes to really function.  At 13 I did just fine on 6 hrs but my sister had to have 8 to function and my ex had to have 12 hrs.  I would say he should be in bed by no later than 9 pm to really get some rest before school.  

  4. At 13 I was going to bed at 930. But that would be your choice.

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