
What time should u eat the main meal in the day?

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What time should u eat the main meal in the day?




  1. For breakfast,u should eat thing likes bread,eggs,dim sum and others that can provides you energy for a whole day...the important things is u must remember to eat a good breakfast

    For lunch ,u must eat rice with some vegetables,mi or noodles to make your stomach full.........the important things you must eat a full stomach lunch..........

    For dinner , u should eat things that are not to fat because we did not exercise much at night and it also near to bed time

  2. at 3-4pm so u can digest it

  3. It depends on the person.  Some people are at their best when they eat more earlier in the day, while others need to eat more later in the day.

    My main meal is at night....about 8:00.  I kind of graze all day long, but I eat a heavier meal at night.  If I don't, my blood sugar gets all wacky during the night, & I wake up feeling ill.

  4. 5

  5. I eat breakfast around 6:45 A.M, lunch at 12 P.M., and dinner at 5:30 P.M.

  6. The earlier, the better.  Some people even make breakfast their main meal.

  7. before 7pm

  8. Breakfast like a king,

    lunch like and emperor,

    dinner like a beggar.

    farther into the day the less you should eat, eating before bed is the worse fresh calories that are not being used are immediately made into fat, also i have heard it can lead to GI tract problems.

  9. i think around 6 and then have a snack or dessert a bit later

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