
What time should we leave to get to the airport?

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We have a flight going to Washington DC at 11 am...and it takes an hour or so to get to the airport, so what time should we get there??

WE have flown lots of times before but we were never sure, and we would either get there too late or too early!! lol

so what time should we leave the house?




  1. Be there 2 hours B4!

  2. 8:30am

  3. You should get to the airport at 9AM, so leave the house at 8AM. You did not say which airport you were leaving from, and some airports need more time than others. Also, you will be in rush hour traffic on the way to the airport. Maybe you should leave the house at 6AM and have breakfast at or near the airport. Better to be early than late.



  4. if it's an international flight at least 2 hours before. (9 am)domestic...well at that time of day I'd still get there about 9 or 9:30.  That is a busy travel time and security lines could back up and take a while.  You don't want to be standing in security when your flight leaves that could be pretty bad.

  5. It is always best to arrive at least 2 hours before your flight departs! In your case I would arrive at the airport at about 9:00 a.m. You need time to check-in, check in any luggage and carry-ons, get through security, and time to get to your gate!  

    Happy Travels!

  6. Leave the house in time to get to the airport an hour and a half or two hours before your flight leaves.  Better to get there too early than too late.

  7. You should plan on walking into the airport at 9:00 AM.  Extrapolate your driving and parking time from that.  

    It's always better to be too early.

  8. You should be there at least 1 1/2- 2 hrs before the flight. If you dont have your ticket in hand usually 45mins before the flight boards (usually 30mins before it takes off) they can deny you a ticket. At the very latest assuming it only takes 1 hr to get there you need to leave the house by 830am

  9. I'd suggest leaving your house no later than 8 AM (earlier if you live in a big city with lots of traffic), so that will put you at the airport at around 9 AM - that gives you about an hour and a half to check in, get through security, and locate your gate before you board the plane. If this is a large airport, I'd leave at 7, maybe earlier - there are usually more travelers in the summer, especially at larger airports, which means checking in and getting through security could take longer than usual.

    You can look up the airport that you're flying out of, and if there are long security lines or delays, you'll know about them before you leave and can adjust what time you need to be there by.

    I hope this helps, and remember - it's better to be too early than too late.

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