
What time tomorrow is "Earth Hour" in the midwest, USA? Will you turn your lights out?

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What time tomorrow is "Earth Hour" in the midwest, USA? Will you turn your lights out?




  1. 8pm-9pm wherever you are im pretty sure

    I'll have mine out :) but don't forget to register if your'e going to do it, its almost as important as actually doing it!!

  2. Earth Hour is from 8p.m. until 9 p.m., your local time. So when it's 8 in which ever state you are, turn off all lights until 9p.m. I am most definitely participating because it's for a good cause. I've told a lot of people about it. It's not going to totally change everything but it makes a difference, even if it's a small one. If you would like more information go to:

  3. No lights are going out in my house.  I don't live in the stone age.  All we need is more nuclear power and we can have all the energy we need. No coal, no oil, safe and clean.

  4. i don't agree. nuclear power can be dangerous. my lights are out , im doing my part.

  5. 8pm and yes

  6. It is 8pm everywhere, just according to your time zone

    I'm turning my lights out, for sure.

  7. i believe it's 8 PM- 9PM your local time. I mightt have my lights off during the time.

  8. Earth Hour is 8 PM local time wherever you are.  I will have mine out.

  9. yes,8p.m...i  appreciate your picture...thanks..that is another reason to save earth...one2008

  10. h**l YES! I don't live in the USA but yes. I'm in the melbourne australia timezone so we are the second group to turn off!!

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