
What time was the metor shower last night?

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i stayed up till like 12:30 on my balcany bu i didnt see it.




  1. To follow up on Suitti's answer, meteors are best seen after midnight.  The reason is that in the early hours of the morning, before sunrise, you're on the "leading" side of the Earth, along its orbit around the Sun, while in the evening, you're on the "trailing" side.  So, for the same reason that the front windshield gets all the bugs on a hot summer day, while the rear window gets almost none, you'll see more meteors well after midnight.  In fact, especially while DST is in effect, you may have to wait until after about 2:00 for things to get going.

    Meteor observing is not an activity for the impatient, however.  Even during a shower, you're typically looking at a meteor every few minutes, depending on how dark your skies are.  The Leonid storm in 1999 (or 2000?) was an aberration: There, the meteors came every second or so, and that was a sight.  Since the parent comet for that storm, Tempel-Tuttle, has a period of about 33 years, the next storm isn't due until 2033 or so, although there is a yearly shower.

  2. Meteors can be seen from dark sky sites essentially every day of the year.

    There's a good show coming up - the Persieds.  They peak around August 12th.  But they can be seen at least a couple days before and after the peak too.

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