
What time will/did you have your hair done and what time...

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will/did your ceremony begin?

I am not getting married until 6:30 but my hair appt is scheduled starting at 9:30 am. Maybe a little later than that but we all will be completely done by 12:30. Just trying to figure out if that is too early or will I be ok?




  1. I'm getting married at 6:00pm as well. My makeup is getting done at 1:45 and my friend is doing my hair around 3:30. I was worried about the makeup being done too early but they assured me they pretty much cement it on and arm you with powder and lipstick to take along.

  2. Hair was started at 11am, finished by 1pm and our ceremony was at 3pm.  I had my hair all up and it was very windy that day!  I was nervous!  I'm thinking yes, that is a large amount of time in between.  You could even start your hair at would give you plenty of time.  Good luck!! :)  

  3. my bridesmaids started getting their hair done at 9:45 and i started to get my hair done at 10:30 and my flower girls at 11:30.  my wedding started at 4:30 i wanted them all done early enough to fix it again if something went wrong or they didn't like their hair.  i think 9:30 is a good time to get your hair done just keep some hair spray with you all day.  good luck

  4. the sooner the better

  5. My hair appointment was at 8 a.m., my wedding ceremony was at 3 p.m. and the reception started at 6. My stylist used a lot of non-sticky spray and my curls did last pretty well! Almost too well, haha. I had to shower 2x as long to get all the spray out.

    I think yours does seem a little early, but honestly, my hair was still perfectly fine at 6:30, and on, after getting it done first thing in the morning.

    Good luck! :)

  6. our wedding was at 6, pics started at 3.  My hair dresser came to the church and mine was started at 1:30, took about an hour and that gave me time to get in my dress, make-up was done before.  I would really try to pump your time back a few really want it to still look fresh and even if it does hold, its gonna be starting to droop by the time your walking down the aisle!

  7. I did my hair right before the ceremony, within 20 min.

  8. Does your stylist know that your hair won't hold a curl without some powerful hairspray? My hair doesn't hold that much of a curl either. The girl doing my hair made sure that we tried out a few products beforehand so we knew that the curl would stay in. They have some amazing products to make your hair hold these days - but it works different on everyone so be sure to experiment with it beforehand.

    My stylist was also doing my makeup and my moms hair/makeup. My wedding ceremony was 3pm, but we had to leave the house at 2:15pm to go to the church to take pictures with my bridal party ahead of time (and just enough time to hide before the groom got there). She got to my house around 8:30am - but she didn't leave until around 1pm or so...she was extremely thorough. I loved it.

    I would consider moving your hair appointment forward a little. The only reason I say that, aside from the fact that your hair won't hold the curl, is that you don't want to be sitting there for 6 hours with your hair already done. It can get uncomfortable and you are always afraid about messing it if you are wearing a veil that means the veil will be in your hair as well...and I highly recommend that you let the stylist put your veil in your hair instead of doing it yourself.  

  9. I'm having my hair and makeup done at 10:30 a.m. and my wedding is at 2 p.m.

    That should be okay but you are going to have to be awfully carefull all day.

  10. That might be a bit too early, depending on what you have planned for the rest of the day. For my wedding, my appt. was at 8:30, we were out by 11:30, home by 12, and the ceremony was at 2:30. It gave me enough time to relax for a bit and get dressed and do photos. More time than that is just more time that you have to be careful with your hairdo! So depending on what you have planned between 12:30 and 6:30, you might want to try to move it to a slightly later time.

  11. Depends what you're doing to your hair.... I plan on leaving most of it down with some gorgeous curls so I'm not going to have mine finished more than 2 hrs before the wedding. 6 hours between the salon and the wedding might be alright if you're going to put most of it up, but otherwise I would honestly rethink it.  

  12. My hair appointment was at 8:30 in the morning for my civil wedding and the ceremony was at 12:30. All of my hair was curled loose and pulled to the side. After the ceremony it was losing it's curl and by the time of the reception my hair had gone back to straight.

    Make sure they spray every curl individually.

    Good Luck and Congratulations.

  13. If you're doing a complicated up-do, you should be fine if your stylist sprays it to death.  

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