
What time will it be in EST time in Australia if it is 16:30 ET time in the USA

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What time will it be in EST time in Australia if it is 16:30 ET time in the USA




  1. Well, I know what parts of Australia you are talking about but what part of the USA?

    Go to  <>  and it will help you find what you want.


    Should learn to read. Just read your question again. However the point still stands go to this web site and it will help.

  2. What part of Australia? There are 3 different time zones in Australia.

    16:30 Tuesday August 5, 2008 in EST converts to

    05:30 Wednesday August 6, 2008 in Australia/Sydney

  3. Hi Martin!

    Right now, northern summer, 4:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time in the US (where I am) equals 6:30 a.m. tomorrow Australian Eastern Time.

    If you mean Australian Eastern Summer Time (known as AEST), which starts Sunday October 4th on the east coast (except for Queensland), 4:30 p.m. EDT temporarily equals 7:30 a.m. AEST.  (In Queensland, it would still be 6:30 a.m.)

    In the US, we turn our clocks back on Sunday November 2 this year.  Starting November 2nd and lasting through most of Southern summer, when it is 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, it will be 8:30 a.m. tomorrow Australian Eastern Summer Time (and 7:30 a.m. in Queensland).

  4. just wait til 16:30 your time and google what time is it in melbourne or brisbane or sydney....wherever ur going coz we have different time zones

  5. tomorrow


    check Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane when it is 16:30 in USA

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