
What time would a local neighborhood park open at?

by  |  earlier

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I want to change my exercise routine and play basketball in the mornings

im thinking about 6 am

there is a park (with a gate) down my street with a court, what time do u think it would open at?

I dont want to wake up, run there, and see it's closed.

anything would help, i tried searching it online, or looked for a phone number to call, nothing, so please dont suggest that





  1. It is easy to hop the gate in to most, and in my experience the wardens are quite understanding when they see you're using the park for a real reason as opposed to dealing or sleeping off the night before.

    The worst that'll happen is that you will have to apologise and leave if the warden doesn't like you being there.

  2. The park in my town has a sign listing its hours,6am to 10pm.Most parks that I have been to have a sign somewhere that gives its hours so you should look for it.If there is no sign contact the local park distric office.they will tell you the hours.

  3. well, most parks I been to are usually from 6 or 7 in the morning until 9 or 10 at night. I have also seen a lot of signs that say from sunrise to sunset. That is a tough situation you have got. I know you said not to suggest calling someone because you don't have a number but try the local police. They know the hours for every where and if they don't they will connect you to the people that do. Good luck.

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