
What time would you have left with glioblastoma?

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What time would you have left with glioblastoma?




  1. it depends on the age and if they can remove any of the tumor and such.   I just lost my dad to glio a week ago.  He was 73, the tumor was too deep in the brain to remove.  He did chemo/radiation, which failed. Then did some experimental chemo treatments from Duke, which did actually shrink the tumor.  Unfortunately, they did another dose, he got very ill and that was more chemo and no other options.  He was diagnosed on Feb 23 and died on August 14, just shy of 6 months, which is about the average for his age group.

  2. Prognosis

    The median survival time from the time of diagnosis without any treatment is 3 months. Increasing age (> 60 years of age) carries a worse prognostic risk. Death is usually due to cerebral edema or increased intracranial pressure. One in twenty of glioblastoma patients survive for more than three years, and approximately one in 5,000 glioblastoma patients survive for decades.

    For more information type      glioblastoma prognosis    into a search engine.

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