
What tint percentage is legal in New York?

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Does any body have a picture of 70% tint?




  1. Windshield Non-reflective tint is allowed on the top 6 inches of the windshield.  

    Front Side Windows Must allow more than 70% of light in.

    Back Side Windows Must allow more than 70% of light in.

    Rear Window Any darkness can be used.

  2. I would like to clarify the last answer.  New York specifies a NET percentage of 70%, this means the installer must consider the tint in the auto glass with the film applied.  70% light transmittance is a very light shade and I can best describe it as the shade you see when looking through the driver's door window and out the passenger door window on a clear sunny day.  (Most tint shops will show you a sample if you ask.)  Also, the law varies with the type of vehicle.  For example:  on a car all windows door windows and any other side windows the law is net 70% and the back window is any shade applied as well as the top 6" of the windshield; on an MPV/SUV only the two front doors must be net 70%, the rear and back glass may be any shade applied.  New York also allows for a medical exemption if you are sun sensitive and wish darker film.

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