
What tips can help me drive farther from the tee box?

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i am a begginer




  1. when you pull up to the tee box, if you are not restricted to cart paths only you could probably drive as far away from the tee box as you want.

    Hope that helps.

  2. swing faster.  not harder.  faster.  Going past parallel doenst make you hit farther.  There are players on tour that dont even get TO parallel and they hit 350 with ease.  The key is a smooth swing, without a lot of jerky actions.  and when you are coming down into the ball...keep your wrists c0cked until the last possible moment, then release the club through the ball.  This is called "lag".  watch this video

    Notice how the club and his wrists are at about a 90 degree angle coming down, and when his hands get down near his waist he "releases" and his hands turn over?  Watch that video and work on it.  Record yourself so you can see what you are doing wrong....and remember keep that left arm straight (if ur a rightie) because bending the arm will take distance off your shots and they will not be consistantly accurate.  hope this helps

  3. Well I could say charge the battery in the cart longer,, but as a beginner there are so many things you can concentrate on you could go crazy.  If you have had lessons go back and review them.  If not .

    Keep you head down through your swing.  by doing that you will have kept your eye on the ball until after you hit it giving you a good follow through which is very important.

    You should not be playing alone so let your partner watch your ball until you get comfortable with your swing.

    Swing hard but don't try to kill it.

    Before you start, go watch the retirees because  they have the experience to still hit the ball even though they are losing body strength through attrition.

    Most of all don't get pissed off.  Have fun, that is what it is supposed to be for.  I tell people that I enjoy being outdoors and getting the opportunity to beat the living h**l out of a little ball.

    And hey!  A little secret that some old farts never figure out; if you are stuck behind the tree; aim right for it.  Odds are you will miss it and get back on the fairway.

  4. Play the ball off your left toe in your stance and "chase" it with your follow through.

  5. shorten your stance.

  6. The first step is to review what actually generates power in the golf swing. Some of these items will be good common sense but the last few will shed light on the areas that are commonly misunderstood by most golfers.

    1. Solid ball contact on the sweet zone of your club, not the toe or heel;

    2. Making sure that you hands rotate through impact;

    3. Using proper weight in concert with your hands through impact; and

    4. Understanding that a club face that is down at your follow through will equal more power. Conversely, a club face that is open through your follow-through will equal less power.

    With that in mind, let’s add another 10-15 yards off the tee.

    1. Use your normal pre-shot routine making sure that you bend at the hips;

    2. Use a closed stance, which will mean placing your back foot so that your toes are parallel to the middle of your front foot (it will feel like you’re stepping away from the ball with you back foot);

    3. Shift your weight forward a bit, placing 60% on your front foot; and

    4. Keep your knee bend at set-up the same as your normal swing.

    From there, take your normal swing concentrating on shifting your weight and hands through the ball as mentioned above.

    This tip has worked nicely for me and based off on instruction by Bobby Eldridge.

    Good luck.


  7. Swing easier.   When you try to "kill it", you introduce all kinds of timing problems that make it impossible to apply the clubface to the ball squarely.   Its far more important to tee the ball at the proper height and have good tempo.

  8. Not many will like this answer.   Keep the tempo on your backswing relatively slow, Go waaaay past parallel, let the club "bounce back" when you meet resistance and then hammer the ball.  

    See John Daly and Phil Mickelson for long backswings.

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