
What tips do you have when you go to an audition and they say to bring nothing?

by  |  earlier

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But that you'll learn a dance and a song?




  1. whats a good way to get a real and good audition? it seems like u have that part down pat-thats the hard part. thanks for asny information u may have my 13 yr old daughter wants to act and i have no idea...thanks again

  2. Bring yourself. Nothing is a lousy dancer, and only know "The Sound of Silence."

  3. there is nothign you cna do but when you learn the dance and song try your hardest and practice very very hard

  4. Wear comfy clothes and warm up before hand.

    And Listen to them when they talk. :)

  5. Prepare.

    Warm up your voice, scales and singing a song your familiar with. Just to get your voice ready.

    Warm up your body. Stretches etc.

    Relax your mind. You'll be learning steps to a dance, and words to a song so you need to be focused and not stressed

    And bring along a smile, and a can-do attitude. In these types of auditions they want to see your willingness to learn, your ability to pick things up well and a positive attitude. They're not expecting a polished piece, they understand you're learning it there.

    All the best!

  6. Be prepared to bring your best acting ability as I believe this is all they are looking for. No props, no nothing, just you and the lines you will read. It is up to you to bring those lines to life.

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