
What to Bring/What to Buy for Week Long Vacation

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My husband, my will be then 8 month old son and I are going to be going on vacation in a month and was wondering what those who have traveled with young babies recommend to bring vs. buy once we land.

Should I bring just enough diapers and buy once we arrive?

What about baby food? We are currently doing BLW.

What are some must have items and oft overlooked ones?

We will have easy access to mall/supermarket and will be away from home 8 days. Thank you for your advice.




  1. Should I bring just enough diapers and buy once we arrive? Yes, that way you take up less space in the luggage.

    What about baby food? We are currently doing BLW. Keep on with BLW, there's no real need to change his eating habits - just keep on offering him little bites of what you have.

    What are some must have items and oft overlooked ones? Insect repellant, lots of sunscreen (although you can buy that when you land), make sure you remember to pack his favourite toy!

  2. I also will be traveling in a month with my then 8 month old. I will probably bring about 10-12 diapers to hold us over for a 6-hour plane ride and the first night at our destination. I'll then buy a pack.  I'll bring a small travel case of wipes. We do formula so I'll bring enough for the plane ride and the first two days (just in case) but I'll buy the rest when we get there.  I'm bringing lots of zip lock bags because, in my experience, you can never have too many. I use them constantly. I'm also going to bring a towel/blanket so that my baby can roll around on the ground when we get to the gate at the airport. She'll go stir crazy on a 6 hour plane ride and I think she'll be needing some free play time.

  3. omG, aaron is So cute! He looks like a little man, not a baby! Mr. Aaron , lol.

    With BLW it's easier to travel, whenever you eat at a rest or wherever you can give him a little piece of food from your own plate, def. diapers buy there, but bring more than those you'll need, you never know, also, Sunblock, his toys, whatever he likes to sleep with, more than enough clothing, you know how babies get dirty very fast..

    Have fun!! God Bless!

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