
What to Do? I was raised by my grandparents my whole life. My 1st step father was on drugs & my mom didn't

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want me to go threw the things he was taking her threw. After she left him I thought we would start a new life together but she didn't even wait a month until she moved on to a new guy. I had no worries until my grandparents wanted to sell their house and retire. I didn't have a chance to start college because they got sick & I had to take care of them. Now after being with my mom again since I was 9. I love it but my step father hates me. Even though I'm respecful. I'm very reserved & I don't even have friends over. Even though my grandparents were helping me finacially until I got a job he still complains about me being here. I'm trying to finally get ready for college & I have a part-time job. I feel like a prisoner me & my mom does all the work . All he does when he gets home is drink a 6 pack of beer smoke numerous amonts of cigarettes in the house. I'm not selfish sometimes I buy dinner & groceries. I think he just wants to smoke weed with friends in the house & im in the way.




  1. Have you checked into getting student loans? A lot of them include money to live off of.

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