
What to Expect in Middle School?

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I have no clue what to expect in middle school. I mean, like im going to the orientation this thursday and another thing do I get to see my friends often? Why do you decorate your lockers? And... what do you use to decorate them? Do you get to change into your PE clothes/shower somewhere private like in stalls or in front or people?

How's it different from elementary? And I want the detailed truth than just: "more teachers and hw". Please? Once you enter, are you immediately sorted into those cliches/ group?




  1. After the first week of 6th grade, I never used my locker. It was always too far out of the way to bother and no one really makes you carry textbooks anyway. But places like Bed, Bath and Beyond sell a lot of organizational stuff for lockers (shelves, mirrors, etc). But most people, if they do anything with them, just use tape or sticky tack to stick pictures cut out from magazines on the inside of the door.

    For PE, you do have to change in front of everyone else but no one ever showered when I was in middle school and everyone was too busy trying to change quickly to look at anyone else.

    You'll see a lot of your friends in the hallway between every period and we usually worked out ways to walk to our next classes together or at the very least we'd write notes during class and hand them off in the hallway. And of course there's hanging out in the quad before class and lunch.

  2. It depend if you and your friends have the same classes then you will see them all day. At my school i have to change in front of people but we don't use the showers but they do have a curtain. I don't go all out with my locker but you can decorate it with pics and such. I will tell you more teachers and HW but i will also say that  you are quicker to get judged and you will get caught up in more drama then you can imagine!! And no you are not immediately sorted there will be groups be people exaggerate when they say that jocks with jocks all the cheerleaders sit together its a lie. You will be separated into your group of  you will probably sit with everyday!

    good luck and don't worry

  3. Yes there are more teachers and homework, and they expect you take take things a bit more seriously as you work your way up to higher grades. The main thing that stood out for me was 'detention' lol if you neglected to do your homework, get something signed, were late for class, etc. No biggie though, usually just 10-15 minutes after the bell sitting in silence (but, still do your homework of course).

    That being said, it's still a fun experience. I remember it being a time of many changes, and new friendships especially since you will get to meet new people. You do of course get to change in the changing rooms - there should be a boy's and girl's. So no worries. My junior high had showers but I don't think they worked lol (it was kind of old).

    Having a locker was fun for me, like having your own private little space (know that the principal has all the combinations though so careful what you put in there). You can decorate it with a variety of things - mirrors, magnets, pictures, and even shelves but this might depend on whatever rules the school has.

  4. if you have classes with them yes,you can if you want ,not everybody does only if you use it.yes,my school has cutrtines but you have to ask for them have more teachers,periods for each one.lunch may be differnt time in the day,more but people may think that though

    hope this helps


  5. Hmm..first of all don't worry. My answer won't be as detailed as other people's will, since I never went to Middle School. I go to Catholic School, so we have elementary school all the way through, from JK-Grade8. But other than like lockers and some other stuff, I think it should be pretty much the same, so I'll tell you what I have experienced in Grades 6-8..middle school years, cause I just graduated from grade 8. I can't say anything about lockers, unfortunately, since we didn't have lockers, for the reason I just explained. For us, we had to change into gym clothes in front of people. But of course there was a guys changing room and a girls changing room. Just no stalls. But that varies depending on what your school is like. What's the difference...well, I guess from my point of view, it's not too different. You do actually have more teachers for mroe subjects, that's a fact you can't deny. And of course, more homework. Changing your clothes in gym gets more serious. For us, we weren't allowed to participate in gym if we didn't change clothes in our "middle school" years you could call it. You get some pretty cool trips, and even some extended day trips. I'm not sure about your school, but I've heard that even in public schools they have ski/snowboard trips. We had that. And usually, in Grade 8, you have a more-than-one-day trip. That is fun. From my experience, Grade 8 is more different than Grades 6 and 7 combined. Of course we had an extra thing: Confirmation (a religion thing), but in Grade 8, we got so many more privelages, some awesome trips, high-school prep, and so much more. So look forward to Grade 8. Good luck, and wish me luck, I'm starting highschool! :D

    Edit: Sorry I forgot about cliches. Well for us, we didn't really have cliches. We had groups, but not based on popularity, but on who was friends with who. There were like groups of ppl who are friends of eachother. Some were more known then others, but no like "Oh I have to be an "it" person". But im not sure about public schools. Well good luck!

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