
What to breed?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 10 gal and i want to breed. i want a pretty fish that doesn't get too big and are easy and fast breeders.

no mollies or guppies plz.




  1. betta..but that really needs a lot of research or you will end up with dead fish..good luck..

  2. You could try danios or bloodfin tetra, i've had easy breeding with them. And the betta seems like a good deal but requires a lot of research. Ohhhhh, i know a dwarf gourami. they make beautiful bubble nests. heres a picture of a neon blue dwarf gourami male,

    The female is easily identified,

    You can see the female has almost no color.

    Good luck :)

  3. Dwarf cichlids, apistogramma cacatuoides are one of the easier to breed.

  4. Probably the easiest fish to get to breed is the convict cichlid and they take care of their eggs and babies. A ten gallon tank is a bit small but they will breed in a ten gallon tank, You will need a larger tank if you intend to raise many of the young though.

  5. I would do Platys or Swordtails.

  6. Angel fish are good to breed IF you have time. They do get rather big though, do they not?

    Danio fish are relatively easy to breed as well, but you should know that already from the above answers.

    Neon tetra's are easy to breed if you have the right equipment. You will need only one male and one female (obviously) and a very dark tank.

    Perhaps you could look into breeding invertebrates as well?

    They go for about the same amount of money, and are easy to care for.

    Consider getting yourself a batch of 10 or 20 cherry shrimp for this aquarium of yours. They will populate your tank fast!! They are VERY beautiful too. You can sell them for 2-4 bucks EACH!!

    Mystery/Apple snails are next in line. All you need is two of these guys, and you will start seeing eggs all over the place within a few weeks!! You can sell them (when they are marble sized) for around 3 dollars each. (USD)

    So, I hope you will take the inverts into consideration as they are easier to breed. I didn't list MANY fish for that reason (your convenience; to tell you inverts are easier).

    Have a good rest of the evening!!

    Best regards,


  7. I wouldn't recommend bettas if you want something to be "fast and easy". Check into the small danios, or check out some of the other livebearers, you'd be surprised at how diverse the livebearer world is. Check out the Least Killifish, they're one of the smallest vertibrates in the world, they're pretty (depending on what your fancy is) and they're easy to breed. There are also halfbeaks (I'm probably wrong, but you might be able to have a trio of wrestling halfbeaks in a 10g, do some research on it). Another option might be cories, if you can find some small enough to keep a trio in a 10g.

  8. omgomgomgomg!!! I was in the same situation like 2 weeks ago!!! hahaha!!!

    Dwarf gouramis, the perfect challenge for a begginer and the can live in a 10 gallon tank.  (You will need a small 5 gallon for the female to live in untill you put them together to spawn)  Well, here is a good site to learn about them-

    Good luck 'n zap  me some pics on my yahoo e-mail  when the fry hatch of whatver fish you breed!!!!=)))

  9. The best way to start is going to a pet store and buying a pregnant live bearer.  If you dont want guppies or mollies, get a pregnant sword-tail.  The femails have no sword, and you can see the black, distended abdomen relatively easily.  They are nice looking fish and a good one to start with.  Work your way up with different breeds but the sword-tail is a good starter fish.
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