
What to bring on a cruise?

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I am taking a cruise in October to Cabo San Lucas. Aside from the obvious (clothes, shoes, toiletries, money, etc) what are some things I should bring that are necessary or helpful when on a cruise.




  1. An over the door shoe holder is great to hold all of your necessities within easy access.  (I put sunscreen, hair products, q-tips, shampoo, camera, etc.)  I had virtually every pocket filled.  It only takes a minute to put everything in it, and saves alot of time later.  (Some people say there is enough counter space, but a door holder also keeps items from moving around if you hit choppy waters.)

    You also want something to hold your money/passport/etc. when you are in the water if you are going swimming.  I purchased a waterproof pouch with a wrist string before I left for my cruise, so I could keep my personal items with me without worrying about them getting ruined.

    Also, don't forget ginger pills or Dramamine if you get seasick.  Disposable cameras are great too, that way you don't have to worry about ruining your good digital with sand or water while you are at the beach.  

    DON'T TAKE AN IRON!  There are reasons this policy is in place.  The ships have irons you can use for free.  (Just don't wait until formal night to try to iron a suit, or there will be a line for the irons!)

    Check Out for more great info.  This site helped me a ton.  Have fun!

  2. Here is what I've learned.

    First, you want all the sundries you can imagine - sunscreen, razors, shaving cream, cosmetics, shampoo, seasick pills, and all that.  

    Next, pack a big (1 litre or so) bottle of water for each person you are traveling with.  You'll want it badly on shore excursions, and it's much cheaper than the ship rate.  Refill on the ship.

    Pens are next and usually aren't recognized as a bring item.  Ships do not provide pens, so if you want to send some postcards, bring several of them... or go to the gift shop and shell out some money for one.  

    Deck shoes are nice to have, particularly if you like sunbathing or sitting in the hot tubs (or swimming pools).  Let them get wet instead of your good shoes.

    Bring books, magazines, playing cards, puzzle books - something to keep you entertained.  During disembarkation, you're going to sit around waiting for some period of time.  Even if you don't want to read or do puzzles on the trip, this will keep you from being bored while waiting to leave the ship.

  3. the are so many things i take with me when my hubby and i travel  you may find these things crasy but when you have to buy them on a cruise it is lot of extera money you did not plan on spending: qtips for ears and makeup time. pads if it is the time of the month or even if it is panry liners.  buy your water proof cameras ahead of time the cost a lot on board and in the islands. tote bag that can be folded so you can pack things you brought on trip to take home. save your magasines till the end of the trip so you can use them tp potect you pics. even though you have them im a floder them give them extra padding. i talking about the  ones you buy one the boat the sometimes just give you paper folders but if you buy the sracp book that helps a little.  a small pad to write down your exspences so you will not be surprised when the finall bill comes. you can write things down as they pop in your head and than put them aside  to pack.  pic id. credit card a nd passport.

  4. If you like to can sneak a bottle or 2 of something clear. We got 6 bottles on last trip. Best way to pack them is on the Check in bag that they guys load from the car. Have them packed in nicely no to cling around. They are only checking those bags for bombs, weapons and  drugs not booze. They don't want you to have it because you will cost them 300-400$ by bringing your own. And give the guy a decent tip when he grabs your bags.  Make sure you have a smaller 20 oz bottle of water or sprite for a roadie to take the booze to the pool area and mix it with a free drink. Believe me you will save huge on the drink bill. Sunscreen is a must, good pair of shades. make sure you use the safe in the room don't carry around your purse all day take a little cash when you go to the mainland. I would leave the credit cards on the ship as well unless you plan on making a big buy on the island stick with the cash. Also you can buy a drink card for NA beverages such as sodas and juice its like $15 but well worth it especially for those mixed drinks. HAND SANITIZER small bottle to take to the mainland.

  5. tips for your cabin steward. a night light so you can see in the dark. a picture of those you love. a highlighter(to mark the daily activity sheet)

    there's more at

    have a great cruise.

  6. I have been on many cruises and here's what I suggest:

    The dress on ship is casual all day until 6:00PM. So take swim wear, shorts, sandals, beach shoes, your snorkel equipment if you have it, sun glasses and sun screen, lotions, a cap or big hat for the sun, a book if you are a reader, your music player, sneakers and clothes to workout in if you like to use the gym, your camera, and other personal toiletries. The cabin will have soap and shampoo but if there is a brand that you prefer, bring it. The cabin will have a hair dryer, but not tooth paste or tooth brush.

    After 6:00 PM they request that you wear "sports casual" attire. That's attire that you would expect a person to wear in a business office, shirt with a collar, slacks, skirt, blouse, etc. You can still wear shorts and swim wear in the pools and spas but not in public areas like dining rooms and restaurants, show rooms, bars, casino, etc. You do not have to wear different clothes each night; wear each piece at least twice and mix and match tops and bottoms. Dress sports casual for dinner and then change to some shorts if you just plan to spend the evening around the pool or on your balcony.

    But keep the dressy stuff on if you plan to go to the disco, casino, or show.

    Most 7-day cruises have two formal nights when you can wear your best stuff and get pictures taken, and maybe meet the ship’s Captain. The formal nights are REQUESTED not required attire. But most people do dress up in a tux for men and a long dress (any color) for women. Some men just wear a suit and tie and some women wear a nice dress but not a gown. You will not be denied access to the dining room or anything else if you choose not to dress up. (we usually take off the formal stuff after dinner and pictures anyway).

    -Always take soft sided luggage as it stores better under the beds. You can take two bags per person. The lines do not weight your bags but they do scan them the same as at the airport security. But all of your bags should fit under the bed. We usually take a couple duffel type bags and a suit/dress carrier type for the more formal stuff like suit, dresses and tux.

    - Take a small carry-on bag for the last night of the cruise. On the last evening you will be required to put your luggage outside your cabin by about 2:00 AM so that they can start taking it down to the lower deck for offloading the next morning. So you will need a small bag for your toiletries and and your clothes that you sleep in.

    -Take an extension cord if you are also taking your cell phone

    and/or MP3 player, or your camera needs charging. The cabin will have a plug or two but its much better with an extension.

    -Cruise lines do not want you to bring travel irons because of fire safety concerns. But if you do take one, use it the first night on ship, hang your clothes and then put the iron out of sight, otherwise it may be confiscated.

    -If you have time and opportunity between your airline flight and the pier, take a six pack of bottled water and/or soft drinks for your cabin. I find having my own very handy vs paying for bottled water and soft drinks on ship.

    -Take some one dollar bills for tipping if/when you order room service and also for shopping at the markets while in ports.  Prices in the market in Cabo and other Mexican ports are negotiable and you will do well to have exact change when you barter.

  7. A lanyard or something to carry around your keycard/credit card, camera to take pictures, formal clothing (if you have formal night on the cruise), hat for the weather, maybe bottled water (i'm not sure if that's permitted on the airplane but it sure beats paying for water on the cruise!). That's all I can think of right now.

    P.S. What's with all the thumbs downs on all these answers? All of them are excellent and they're getting bad ratings.

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