
What to bring to Disney World?

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I'm going for 5 days. How much clothing should i bring, what extras, how much cash should i ask my parents for? (going with other family) any other tips would be appriciated!!




  1. Tank-tops,Shorts,One sweater for night-time, DEFINETLY sunblock,sunglasses,and ask for about 50/60 dollars, or ur other family can pay 4 u.

    I answered yours,please answer mine!;...

  2. Just bring enough clothing to have an outfit a day.  Have sunblock.  In florida weather you are likely to encounter a daily afternoon thunderstorm so buy ponchos before you get there (i recommend you go to a 'one dollar' store and see if you can find them there.  I know here that you can buy two for a dollar, they take up very little room, and you can toss them after really beats having to buy a thick 10.00 poncho once you are in disney and having to fold it and lug it with you every day.  

    If you're a gal bring hair bands to tie up your hair, you'll be glad you did when you feel the florida heat/humidity.

    Get one of those nylon backpacks with the pull string at the top to carry your stuff with...very light travel, easy to carry, and looks better than the waist pouches.

    Sunglasses of course.

    Money:  Well here's the deal, you will be drinking a lot in the hot weather, and by the drink you will pay 2.00 a bottle.  Most quick meals at disney are around 7.00.  Souveniers are very pricy.  I would figure asking for 30.00 per day just for food and at least 50.00 minimum for a couple of souveniers (50.00 will buy you a shirt and leave you 20-25 dollars for other things you might want).

    If mom and pop thinks the food request is a bit pricy, you can save one of your water bottles and refill at the fountains, but Florida water can be a bit 'fishy'.  We get those little crystal lite to go packs and carry them with us to make the water taste better. Kool-aid makes to go packs as well.  You can get a pack of 10 for around 4.50.  So if you figure using them instead of buying a 2.00 drink every time you need one, you could probably whittle down the food bill by 5 to 10 dollars a day.

    Another good food tip is this:  Many times the kid portion in restaurants are not that much smaller than adult portions, but they are a lot cheaper.  Get a kids meal the first day and if you are satisfied with the portion sizes, stick to them (and don't be embarrassed about ordering a kids meal....I'm 35 and I order them for myself).

    You can also bring some food into the parks, so put a few snack bags in your pack and use them to cut down on food bills.

    Do what you can to keep your bag light, though, security checks them before you enter the park and it can be a hassle if you have a lot of stuff in there.

  3. kidz

  4. bring some sort of sunblock. im 16 and i thought if i layed out and i got burnt it would turn into a really good tan HA....hurt for days and it sucked... bring alot of shorts, t shirts and one sweatshirt. u prob wont need it but h**l it cant hurt to bring it. i had about 150 $$ i didnt spend it all but i would have if i wasnt so busy...dont forget a camera and sneakers! flip flops are good but sometimes they hurt my feet. wake up early so u dont miss any of the day and the sunsets are BEAUTIFUL down there!..

    have fun!

  5. Definitely bring sunblock, comfortable shoes, extra clothes, a backpack (to hold everything!), water bottle, strap for water bottle, at least $20 a day for spending money (depends how much you can afford). Mouse savers has a really good packing list. You can find it here:

    About 1/4 way down the page there is a link for the Ultimate Packing List. I used it and pretty much remembered everything!

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