
What to bring to a Federal Courthouse while going for jury duty?

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I might be called in for jury duty next week. I know that no camera phones aren't allowed into the courthouse but it seems as if almost all cell phones have cameras.

Would they confiscate it from me before I go in? I'm NOT going to be making any calls during court; I'm polite enough to shut off my cell while I'm in a courthouse.

The same goes for my MP3 player. I would like to listen to some music while taking a break from duty (also while I'm commuting to the courthouse by trolley). Would they confiscate that, too (since it has a recording device on it)?

Thanks for your help!




  1. When going to a federal courthouse, make sure you bring your sidearm just to avoid any situations like they had in New York recently.

    All kidding aside. Just turn your cell off, and you should be all right. Bring a book, a deck of cards, a good attitude, and a small snack. You may never know who you will meet while waiting, and it is so much more fun to laugh with a new friend than it is to sit there stewing about time lost while waiting for jury selection

  2. Lunch and a book. Leave the electronics at home. There are public phones there. Also bring water...public water fountains can be gross. (old pipes)

  3. Expand your horizons and start reading books; bring one.

  4. take what ever you want but if you make it on a jury take yourself and your ID other than that i suggest you leave everything at home. you will be in a room and not able to contact the outside world. you get your own bathrooms and lunch will be delivered. everything you do will be delivered by a messenger. don't even talk about the case after you go home for the day. you can after it is all said and done and the verdict is made.

  5. No, that will be OK, make sure you pack your lunch and some snacks too. the commisary in a court house is very expensive.

    Don't forget a book, newspaper, and playing cards.

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