
What to bring to a volleyball tournament ?

by Guest66562  |  earlier

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I have a volleyball tournamernt comming up quick here. What should I bring?




  1. tournaments are so fun!!!  You will love it!

    You should bring:

    Knee pads

    2 bottles of water or gatorade

    a sleeping bag

    a pillow

    ipod or mp3 player

    food if alowed


    Bring a sleeping bag and pillow so you have something to rest on between games.  bring a ipod so you have something to do between games if you dont feel like talking to your friends.  Money is always good becuz tomourents are money makers for the place running it so they always sell something.  Most importanat of al,, BRING GAME!!!

    Good luck!!! <333333

  2. all your volleyball gear, sweats and warm up-jerseys, lots of water, your ipod with awesome music to get you pumped, and your skills!!!! have fun!!! tournaments rock!!!

  3. All you have to bring is:

    water/Gatorade,knee pads,a towel [only if you get sweaty easily]

    peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,or and kind of sandwich for in between the game,uniform if needed,and and extra change of clothes!!!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

    hope your team wins!!!

  4. If it's overnight/far away bring :

    everything you'd need to stay overnight

    flip flops / sneakers (adidas/nike sandals are really good because you can keep your socks on if your just going outside during a break)


    volleyball gear

    advil is a REALLY good idea

    food, heathy stuff too, like granola bars, and water


  5. knee pads



    drugs(advil and stuff)




  6. umm waterbottle and friends idk is it far away or home than it hanges

  7. bring kneepads, lots and lots of water and/or gatorade, a change of clothes (ex. shirt, sweatpants, socks), a towel depending if you sweat a lot and different shoes if you have volleyball sneakers. shouldn't wear vball sneakers as a daily shoe, only when you play. you could wear another pair of sneakers or flip flops depending where you live.

    you could also bring breakfast before the tournament. usually i eat on the bus before my tourneys. :] and if you want, bring some money, like 20 bucks in case where you're going has food for sale and you wanna buy it. or you could just bring a sandwich or two to save some money. (two cuz you'll be definately hungry)

    have fun! :]]]

  8. You should bring:

    -water or a sports drink


    -spandex shorts(most teams wear black)

    -iPod or music console

    -a book

    -phone(just in case)

    -medicine or pain reliever

    -pillow/ blanket for the ride there

    -knee pads

    -volleyball shoes

    -anything your team does special (hair ribbons, black streaks under eyes, etc.)

    Hope I helped and have a great day! Good Luck!

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