
What to bring to hospital/put in overnights bag? Schedule C-Section for Oct. if she dont come early?

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First child was emergency, this one will be schedule, my due date is 2nd week Oct. what should I put in bag? if possible what would they most likely supply me with at hospital=home state Indiana,delivery destination Deaconess Women's




  1. You honestly don't need much.  I brought:

    1. A couple changes of're going to want to get out of that hospital gown as soon as possible!

    2. The regular toiletries..shampoo, soap, a razor (I forgot to pack mine and beleive me, you don't feel fresh after a shower if on the third day you still haven't gotten to shave!).

    3. Depending on if you are usually cold or could bring a robe and a pair of socks (the hospital actually gave me a pair of socks that have those non-slip things on the bottom).  I am usually hot so I didn't need either of these items.

    4. A pair of clothes for the baby to go home in.  Probably a blanket in your case since you're due in October.  A hat for the baby.

    The hospital I was at provided all of the pads, diapers, wipes, bottles and I know the other poster on here said something about gas drops..not sure if they didn't provide gas medicine there or if she didn't want to get charged but the hospital will give you some form of gas medicine if you need it.

    Oh and don't forget the CAMERA!!!

  2. You must be really organized, packing so soon :D

    When I had my planned c-section, I took a bathrobe, 2 nightgowns (didn't want to wear the hospital ones), crocs, long overnight maxi pads, toiletries, baby gas medicine (for myself to take for the gas pains after the c-section), spandex support underwear, and then the baby gear...a couple changes of clothes, blanket and lotion.  I was having my baby early because of blood pressure so I knew she would be small, and I brought preemie clothes.  

    Usually the hospital will provide diapers, formula, and maxi pads.  

  3. a robe, some makeup (you will be taking lots of pics), chapstick, hard candy, brush, your own shampoo/conditioner if you like, a book, slippers, breastpads (if your breastfeeding), a pacifier, a pillow or something comforting, a focus sheet (i used my animal babies pictures), and your cell phone

  4. mostly what they said but i really do not recommend the body lotion for the baby. let his skin breathe for a few days and after that use it.

    best of wishes

    oh, and don't forget the diapers and wet tissues

  5. I had a c section myself and I liked the hospital gown and slipper socks they supplied me so, I had a couple pair of my own underwear and a change of clothes to wear home for me and that was it for clothes.  I had a blanket and an outfit for the baby to go home in (that was it for him).  They hospital had blankets, diapers, wipes, and pads for me (didn't need any extras).  My cell phone and charger, and toiletries.  People bring a lot more than that, but I didn't need to.

    I spent my time nursing and sleeping mostly.

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