
What to buy for my Spanish host family?

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I'm going to Spain for 3 1/2 weeks leaving very soon! I just got the info on my host family I'll be with for 2 weeks.

Sr: albañil (36)

Sra: ama de casa (35)

7 yr/old hijo

5 yr/old hija

My guess is that this family doesn't make much money but I could be wrong???

What gift(s) should I get for them!?

P.S. if the address is sort of in this form

Calle de Agua 123, 3 A

what does that mean? apartment?

I'm confused :(





  1. Bring a DVD player! Bet they would love something like that, maybe you can get a movie for each memebr of the family, the street is called: CALLE DE AGUA, the 123 is the house number and 3A the apartment number.

  2. It would be helpful to know the town where you are going. You'll be living in a flat; third floor.

    SUE's suggestions are great. English children books for the kids or maybe nice souvenir T-shirts from your country or town. Parents are quite young too so bring typical candies or sweets from your place, a nice souvenir or even also T-shirts as for the kids.

    It is possible the family doesn't make much money but that doesn't mean they'll be poor. Don't worry: you'll have dinner every evening. And they do have a DVD player!!!

    A good idea would be bring photos of your family and your city just to show them how it is living in your country.

    Enjoy your time in Spain!

  3. Buy tamales! And if their from spain I believe they should be very fair off.

    calle de agua 123, 3A   means street of water 123, 3A...

    just an address i guess... But honestly probably go out for something simple. A perfume for the husband and wife and a toy for the kids... or maybe even a souvenir..

  4. lol



    mexican music

    chips and dip



    a parrot!!!


  5. You know what, you shouldn't pay any attention to what the first 2 posters are saying.

    Firstly, unless YOU are Mexican, and it doesn't sound like you are, you should not bring Mexican things...doesn't make any sense.

    Don't bring a DVD player, surely, these people have one, and they are DIFFERENT THERE!!!  (different electricity and different computer stuff...I don't really know but American video equipment and Spanish are not compatible)  They wouldn't be able to use it, and, for that matter don't bring DVDs.  Same reason.  Not to mention Spain is a fully industrialized nation, and any movie you decided to bring there, they can get at the local version of Blockbuster.  

    Why would you guess that they don't make much money?  There is NOTHING in the information that you give that suggests that, and the standard of living in Spain is QUITE HIGH.  People make pretty good money, and have pretty nice things.

    The address you give IS an address,  That's Water Street, #123, apartment 3A.  And yes, most people live in some sort of apartment.  btw  Sr. Albañil means the man of the house is a bricklayer or mason, and Sra. ama de casa means Mrs. - Housewife.  Just giving their occupations.  It might be important to note, while I say that they are probably quite well off, people in construction are struggling some of late, and there might be some belt tightening, but I can't say what kind of business this man works for or owns, or if he's working or not...

    That said, something for the house, that they can display is always nice, like something handmade...lots of places that sell handmade goods from local people, or something that represents your town.

    Some people have suggested tshirts from places or teams that they might recognize or your hometown team, because those would be hard to come by there.  (like Harvard shirts, or Yankees, or your own home town...THAT would be unusual).  Books in English for the kids, might be nice.

    Someone else suggested a photo frame, with a photo you take while there, of the five of you doing something.  That's a a great and very personal gift.

    You didn't mention what city you would be in?  Just curious.

  6. When I was an exchange student for a summer I brought my family a CD of music that I liked and also a box of candy.  I know I brought other things, but I can't remember.  Try to take things that would represent you and your region.

  7. Keep the gifts simple and small. Don't bring them something large which they may well stick in the closet after you leave.

    If you live in Arizona, I rather imagine the girls/boys and even the matron of the house would appreciate some handmade NAVAJO JEWELRY. The boy would probably like a cool looking bracelet as would the girl, maybe earrings with Turquoise stones. Leave the plastic Tom Toms and rubber tomahawks at home - both likely to have been made in China.

    Good luck!

    Saludos, BarcelonaMan(.com)

  8. never confuse

    spain is an european country, diferent to latin america

    latin american countries talks spanish because they were part of spain in the centuries 15 to 19

    but in spain, nobody listen salsa, maracas, and nothing of latin american culture

    (there are a influence but they are diferents)

  9. LMAO dont even bother with the DVD player dear, ur not going to a 3rd world country, plus, electricity here is different, even the plugs, they ahve 2 legs instead of 3

    and as for salsa etc... thats not even spanish, and if it was spanish, y would spaniards want that?

    About the money... dont assume they dont make much money, construction workers usually have good salaries

    Street: calle de Agua, #123, 3rd floor, A

    in spain, an apartment has only 1 or 2 rooms and only 1 washroom, could b one but i think its likely what we call a flat, like an apartment but bigger, more rooms, 2 wshrooms etc

    Get something for the kids, whatever, toys etc

    maybe a stetson for dad and mom?? lol

    Salamanca :) nice place, (not as nice as the north of Spain but still nice, yuppers, im from the north lol) make sure they take u to see la casa de las conchas ;)

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