
What to buy gf after 1 month vacation in france/greece/italy?

by Guest44992  |  earlier

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Hi, for the past month, about, I've been all throughout Europe on vacation and was too busy to get my gf any gift thing. well im in paris now for 1 more day (tomorrow) then im going back. what should i get her?! and we're teens. **** im an idiot. thanks lol.




  1. French toast... no just kidding.

    but she probably won't care what it is. just knowing that you thought of her will mean alot. So i'd just recommend like a snowglobe or something? :] something sweet, and small.

    good luck :]

  2. buy her something authentic, that can only be bought in paris.

    or is definatley something that says paris.

  3. Some french perfume, doesn't have to be expensive, she'll love it.

  4. some french perfume, chanel bag, louis vuitton bag, nice clothes or accesories

  5. i'm french and a typical thing would be wine...

    because u can find french perfumes everywhere in earth...

    or maybe clothes from a typical french brand like maje, zadig and voltaire, or a handbag.. we love that... go to louis vuiton (i hope you're rich :):):) or mandarina duck, or sequoia or longchamp

    by the way, go to the galleries lafayettes or le bon marché you will find there everything u need and all the brands, u will find them in the 6th arrondissement

    sorry i didn't see that you're teens.. ok so for the brands go to nafnaf, promod, morgan, kookai, etam... because what i told are very expensive... u will find them on rue de rennes in the 6th arrondissement

  6. Definitely some french perfume!! Or some Haute Couture, if you can afford it - just a scarf with a famous logo on it will be fabulous. Or go for the cliche - get her a beret!

    My favourite souvenir bought in France are my Eiffel Tower earrings - so very 'look where I've been', but really cute at the same time!

  7. I agree that it can just be something small, she will appreciate the thought. Is there anything that you can think of that she particularly likes? my sister went to Paris and she got my other sister some shoes from Paris because the girl is OBSESSED with shoes! so it was perfect because it was personal and it was from Paris. So if she wears earrings alot, or if she enjoys perfume, or art, a purse, or even shoes! Think about what kind of person she is and it will mean so much more to your girlfriend that you thought of something uniquely for her. Plus most girls see Paris as the romance destination, lol, so play on that too. Hope I helped.

  8. A necklace or bracelet.


    Bag that says paris on it.

    A fake Chanel or burburry bag.

    A t-shirt that says: some who cares about me brought me this t-shirt form paris. I saw those in all the souvenir shops in paris.

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