
What to charge for babysitting 2 kids, 2 1/2 and 16 months. Will be working 3 days at 12 hours each day.?

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hourly wage? I'm 29.




  1. ask the parents....

  2. 8-10 dollars an hour.

  3. I would check around for local daycare prices. Nanny level care vs. daycare both have pros and cons. My take would be, ten dollars an hour isn't enough that's less then 1500 a month. Because of the schedule you will be hard pressed to get a second job to bring in more income.

    Your 29 not 19 looking for some extra income while attending college. The parents and their children should benefit by having a more mature caregiver a nanny VS. a babysitter. So be a nanny and conduct yourself like one not a babysitter to command a better salary.

    I would ask for 15 an hour but I would make sure to schedule   extra activities make the extra money worth it to the parents, have a weekly schedule to give the parents each week be professional, for example Monday go to the park, plan a trip to a zoo Tuesday, Toddler Gym at the local YMCA Wed...macaroni art project Thursday..etc.. read to them and have the books which will be read on the weekly schedule.

    Don't just sit with the kids. Make the most of your time with them.  

    Of course you can only charge what the parents are willing or can afford to pay if you really want the work. Most importantly don't do it for less then YOU feel your time and efforts are worth. The bitterness of feeling underpaid will make it difficult to be a good caregiver.

  4. $7-10 like the first guy said, kids can be handful

  5. You should probably charge somewhere between 10-20 dollars an hour. Young kids can be a handful.

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