
What to cook for ungrateful in laws?

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my mother inlaw to-bee is coming this weekend as she couldnt make it over easter every time i cook for this women she moans at everything when everyone else clears the plate what can i serve this wicked women




  1. l.o.l. been there, done that! I would just serve a small buffet, your never gonna please this psycho, I know I had one just as bad, never had anything good to say about anyone or anything.  I just ignored her, the one thing I didn't do, was make sure my husband to be, would back me, he didn"t, because MOM ruled the roost, and everyone in it!!! and he just stood by. while she put me and everyone else down! make sure of this before you say I-do, or you will spend miserable years, I did 25 years of hard time with this woman, it was horrible, if you have kids, you will never do anything the right way, good luck, I hope they do not live too close, if so MOVE,RUN!!!! get away from her.

  2. Bltching and moaning won't get you invited over again. And if my spouse insists on having them, then out to dinner we go, his treat.

  3. This is tough. "Start as you mean to go" is great advise. Kindness, good manners never are wrong no matter how "she" acts. Cook something you know everyone else will enjoy. Now if she has a real health problems, allergies etc, do make sure you take that in consideration. Otherwise just do your best.

  4. mac donalds then she can complain about somebody elses cooking

  5. Just plan your meal as if it didn't matter . If she complains and moans then ask her to invite YOU over and then ask her for some tips on cooking. It doesn't matter if you take the advice or not, just asking her might help. My in-laws used to do the same thing and I didn't let it bother me. You can also talk to your husband- to- be and see if he could talk to her about it or see if he has any suggestions about what to make. Good luck and don't stress the small stuff!

  6. Ask for her favorite recipe, s***w it up on purpose, and make sure everyone at the table knows how grateful you were when she gave you her favorite recipe so you could make it for everyone.  If she complains you must have done something wrong, say "oh, no, I couldn't have, I had your son read me your directions line by line and we followed it exactly."

    Gosh, I am evil sometimes!  Who knew?

  7. pig feets...

  8. take out just for her and say you made it. cook for everyone else.

  9. That's horrible!

    That being said, You should just cook what you feel everyone else will enjoy and do your best. You could always ask her what she would like and risk her criticizing your best attepts to please her.

    What ever you decide, just be gracious and never ever sink to her level. As long as you know in your heart that you gave it your best shot, I'm sure evryone else will see it too.  Her rudeness and ingratitude will be evident to everyone as well.

  10. If you are good cook then just make you're best stuff.

    if you are not a good cook then cheat.    Go to one of your favorite restaurants for take out.    Pick out something where you can  get it ahead of time and re-heat.   Bring in one of your nice casserole dishes and ask the restaurant to make the food in your dish.   If you explain the situation, most restaurants will be glad to help you out.

  11. let her moan if she was my mother in law she wouldnt warrent a dinner invite if all she did was complain. i wouldnt go to any great trouble to cook for her if i was u it doesnt seem like ur get much thanks for ur efforts.

  12. Fix a wonderful meal for the others and order her take out.

  13. nothing

  14. Make her eat humble pie.

  15. Gruel

  16. make soup out of the leftovers from this week.

    and dont let her make you angry.

    she's jealous

  17. This is what worked for my friend's mother-in-law:

    Make the meal you would normally make.  Serve it to all of your guests, even your mother in law.  Make sure your fiance raves over the meal as it is being served (Oh, honey...this looks fantastic!) and let him rave over the first bite (wow, hon, this is great...).  When your mother in law starts to moan, SWEETLY say, "OH, Im sorry you dont like the meal.  Everyone else seems to be enjoying it!  You are more than welcome to go make a peanut butter sandwich!"  This way, maybe your mother in law will take the hint that she is the only one in the room who just has to complain about everything! can catch more flies with honey than vinegar!

    Good luck!

  18. I agree with all of the posts about making something you like and let her deal with it.  But another thing I would encourage you to do it talk to your future husband about how she is making you feel.  This is a pattern of behavior that needs to be stopped now.  She is trying to undermine you and if she is not told that it is not ok, she will not stop.  Her son needs to step up and tell her that it is not ok to make you feel anxious about a meal together.  Family is very important and you should feel comfortable around each other.

  19. get takeaway or something cheap, then maybe mess it up for example add tons of chilli, salt :P

  20. Get her something from M&S! If we are to 'believe' the adverts, then she can only blame them! Put her to the test ;-)

  21. babe it has to be spaghetti bolognaise and make it really watery so she covers herself in juice also leave the spagheti long dont cut it up and hey if she moans, wtf she was gonna moan anyway and you got a laugh too xxxx jazz




  23. tripe, go for it or tongue whole and luke warm

  24. Nothing tell her the cookers broken and she will have to bring her own.  Either that or go out for a meal then you are not to blame or get out of the meal in anyway you can........I would.

    good luck anyway, another tip get drunk first then you wont even care.

  25. Nothing!!! the ungreatfull woman lol. Call her in advance and ask her what she would like, u cant usually go wrong with a good old fasioned roast and trimmings

  26. Find out what her favorite meal is, and mix it up a little bit. You don't want it to look like you are sucking up. So say she likes lasanga....make baked zitti or something you know? Do some under cover work...have your spouse find out for you.

  27. Anything bitter.  ;-)

    I would ask her what she would prefer and perhaps encourage her to "help" as a bonding thing, so that she would have to blame herself if it did not come out to her liking.

    Have fun

  28. Wow she sounds a nightmare I'd be tempted to cook her favourite meal but add a little of my saliva to her food!! at least when she starts moaning about it you can have a smug look on your face :-)

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