
What to do, i'm depressed and lonely today?

by  |  earlier

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Well, i'm just depressed and lonely. I'm 24 and single and bi, living in a country where being "g*y" is illegal. I live in Africa, was born here where i was taught, not to be a racist, but not to go out with people of other races, which i have respected and have done, i have people of other races as friends, and as far as best friends. Anyway so g*y guys are in hiding, and its really difficult to find a g*y guy around, and there is no women of my age, the ones that are there, are already married or they are pregnant or they just sleep around with the whole town. So my question is, do you think i should just go out with my friends, and hope i meet someone that will sweep me off my feet, or move out to another country??




  1. Come to Sydney Australia or Brisbane  we have people coming out all the time here. Jess from The Veronica's, Darren Hayes, Anthony Callea.  

  2. Move to another country, you will love that freedom and for once you won't have to hide.  

  3. If it's "illegal" 4 U 2 live in freedom, U should "move out to another country !"

  4. It's against the law to be g*y or date outside your race? That's insane!!! I think the government should worry more about more important issues than who is sleeping with whom. That bothers me. I couldn't live there. I'm not g*y or dating outside of my race, but I couldn't live under a government that didn't allow me to choose for myself who I can love.

    You should move.  



  6. Move to a country where it isn't illegal to be g*y.  If you are college educated, look for a good job and for a graduate degree.  You will find a lover elsewhere.

    Kind thoughts,


  7. move out of there

  8. I suggest move out to another country. Where you live, even if you DO find someone who'll sweep you off your'd be illegal. If police or someone of the justice system found you, you'd go to jail, maybe even prison considering what you/bf were doing. In countries like Iraq, you'd even be hung if proven guilty.

    Living in a country where it's against the rules to love someone will only make you feel stressed, angry, and upset over time. Once you DO find that person....then you'll feel bad about not having even the option to hold hands with them in public.

    Please respect yourself, and do yourself a favor: move out of the country. If you need more help, feel free to message me. I gotcha back ;)

  9. Go out and make where you live a better place for all. Help make a difference. Do what you can to change the laws.

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