
What to do, what to do!!!!!! help?

by Guest59710  |  earlier

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okay bored! i have my x-box and ps2 in the living room but my family is usually watching tv or something in there. [like they are doing right now] any suggestions what i could do?

--and i dont want to take the xbox or ps2 in my bedroom.




  1. Get this:

    And tell your family that too much TV isn't healthy. By the way, too much gaming isn't either. ;o)

  2. How about being a grown-up about the situation.  Spend time with your parents, or go do something else.  Don't ask pre-teen stupid questions in a serious category.

  3. If the tv has PIP, play the xbox or ps2 in the PIP window

  4. How about posting this silly c**p in the "Family & Relationships" forum where someone might care? This is home theater ELECTRONICS, where the discussions are centered around technical home theater and TV operational and electronics problems. Take your childish boredom elsewhere.

    Hint: if you ever have REAL Xbox and/or PS2/3 questions, go to the "Games and Gear" forum where the real experts hang out.

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