
What to do? ? 10 points best answer ?

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What do i do to make a guy that i like to notice me? please help me out he is leaving next year and i really wont him to notice me.thanks




  1. u really want him to notice ... wear the hawtest clothes in ur wardrobe...

    or... u could strike up a convo.... with him... if hes in a club tht u know about then join it... more opportunities...

  2. start a conversation with him in class or in the lunchroom wherever, about something you have in common. be fun flirty and confident. :]

  3. talk to him or become acquainted with his friends. make them like to him or say something funny or silly about a general topic like a teacher you both have. you could also compliment something hes wearing. guys like compliments as much as girls

  4. just talk to him.

    like, for example, if it turns out he's in one of your classes,

    just say something simple to him , like "whoa, this sub is insane"

    juuusttt small talk for starters.

  5. guys usualy dont notise you on there own try ssaying hey to him in the hallwayz  smile at him but dont act like something your not!

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