
What to do?? Friend trouble?

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okay so i have this freind who is 13 posting her mobile number out on bebo adding loads of people she doesnt know and posting loads of reaviling pictures of herself on it. It was geting so bad that we had to get teachers involved as we were getting worried about her. They talked to her and her mum talked to her about it and she stopped for a while.

Recently she has started adding loads of people again who are 16-19 and telling them that she loves them. Even more worring these people all come from around where we live so we are sort of worried incase she goes and meet them.

What shall we do. We cant talk to her as she isnt talking to us after we told the teachers.

Should we

tell the teachers again as they told us to keep an eye on her


keep shut about it and let her keep doing it





  1. You should probably tell her mom, not her teachers.

    Her mom's supposed to be freakin' watching her, not her teachers.

  2. youmshould tell someone now incase anything hapens to her

  3. tell the teachers

  4. Close Down Her Accounts On The Computer,

    And Her Mum Should Be Keeping An Eye On Her.

    Alsoo You Should Ask Why She Started Doing This In The First Place,

    Its Dangerous!


  5. let her do her own thing and sooner or later she we realise she has made a mistake

  6. TELL....NOW....DEFINITELY!!!!  sry for the caps but you could be saving a appears as tho she is craving attention..especially from males....maybe her mum should get her sum help.....

  7. aw that is troubling. tell the teacher about this one again, but this time, let them do all the talkings. as for you, if that is how she sees her life and is more comfortable that way, don't worry about her anymore, you are probably just wasting your time on her. no offense but, this time she'd rather learn it the hard way. that's the only way she'll change.

    you just calm down about it, if she's brave enough to do these things, maybe, just maybe, she knows she can handle everything thrown to her.

    hope this works. God bless.

  8. Tell the teachers because she doesn't know if they are predators or not. Also, you should take the phone away from her and stuff to stop her from doing this.

  9. Tell the teachers again.

  10. You should tell her mum.

    Because they can track her down

    with her phone number.

  11. You need to talk to the teachers again and her Mum if possible.  She could be putting herself at risk.  Look how many teenagers have got involved with the wrong people through the Internet.  Well done to you and your Friends for looking out for her, even if she doesn't appreciate your friendship.  

    Good luck.

  12. take her to a teacher and take her mobile away from her

  13. don't let this carry on, you need to tell her that you're worried about her and that what she's doing is making you all nervous about where she could end up. it's all very well her saying she's fine, she knows what she's doing etc, but an adult or some one who can get through to her needs to be involved. there's lots of young girls who have found themselves in that sort of situation and it hasn't ended well.

  14. tell the teacher and take her cell

  15. Perhaps u could go to her this time instead of to teachersregardless of whether shes talking to you or not. Drop her a text saying your worried about her and so on and if that doesn't change go back and tell the teachers once again. Shes probably just embarrased that the school were aware. Im sure she will come around.

  16. Hack her bebo. Take the people off that she's added, take any personal infomation off and take off the pictures.

  17. tell her mom first, if that does not do anything tell the teachers. if she does not stop she just isn't a good friend!

  18. Report it to somebody, whether it be her parents, the school, or at a push the police or social services.

    She is definitely in need of help, and the sooner she receives it the better.

    If I was her parent, I would be removing access from the Internet, unless supervised, contacting Bebo and asking what sort of monitoring they have when young people can do this, and certainly asking the family doctor for referral to a child psychologist or someone who can give her professional help.

    Yes you may be 'grassing her up', and she may hate you for it, but you could also be saving her life.

    Mike t.

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