
What to do? Have a 4, 3 1/2, 3, 1 1/2,year old and a 6 month old in my home? How do I figure out what to do?

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My brother in law is staying with us. And so is his 3 kids. With 5 kids in the house I have to clean up after them everyday and i am exhausted but if I don't I know my husband will have a fit that the house is messed up. Which will cause problems and arguments between everybody in the house. The kids refuse to play in the playroom. They drag out all the toys into the living room. The only thing my BIL cleans up is the dishes.

And instead of saving his money so he can move out he buys his kids new toys and fast food. When I have at least 5 boxes of cereal for breakfast not to mention, 3 dozen eggs, 2 containers of oat meal, bananas, apples, and grapes. My freezer has ground meat so he can easily make hamburger helper or tacos for lunch or hot dogs or ramen noodles. I have chef boy r d, spaghetti-os, canned veggies, you know plenty of food so why does he insist on ordering pizza, buying wendy's, chick filas, burger king, braum's, and mcdonalds everyday not to mention taking the kids to chuckie cheeses. If he has all this money to blow on fast food he can easily afford to get his own place.

What can I do to get him to move out?




  1. Tell your hubby that he either needs to explain to HIS brother that his kids have rules that they need to follow or he can simply leave....his choice.

  2. 1st of all set your ground rules with the kids let them know that it is not ok for them to play any place but the play room and even when they play in the play room they HAVE to clean up their mess!One thing to try with kids that young is the "clean up"game race to clean up and put things back and then we all get a snack!Your brother in law is taking advantage of the situation and the longer you and your husband allow it to continue the longer it will!Speak up to your hubs it's his brother and you are the one stuck cleaning up all the may be shocked by actions that your hubs may take.Good luck.

  3. Tell your husband to grow a pair and tell his brother to stop wasting his money and save it to move out.  You are already having a difficult pregnancy, with all the extra stress of "5", really "7" children I just hope you don't miscarry.  His is enabling him to continue to abuse his stay and will continue to stay until you are fed up and leave, thereby busting up your family.  Tell you husband he needs to choose period.  His brother or his own family.

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