
What to do? Wedding and job loss :(?

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Been planning our wedding and looking for a house. I found out that I may (50%+ chance) get laid off soon (anywhere from next week to 60days from now -- economy reasons).

Obviously now, we can't even finalize whether or not to buy since if I get laid off then we lose the deposit and won't get approved for mortgage (job security has to be at least 6 months).

I'm a wreck, have a migraine and am so sad. What to do? Need to cheer up and calm down and think this through.




  1. look for a job when you have time just in case you do get laid off

  2. Postpone buying the house for awhile.  It's very expensive to own and you don't want to do that unless you have job security.  

    Start looking for a different job!  You might find one that will pay more than where you currently are.  

    As for the wedding...either have a super quicky wedding at the JP and wait a year or so for the bigger wedding when you have money.  Or just wait for a bit.

  3. Don't worry, this will be a minor memory in a few year.

    Go on w/wedding plans and rent for a year or two until

    you have a job that is secure!!  Don't let this be a

    sad time when you should be overjoyed!

    Good Luck

  4. Start looking for a new job immediately.... a lot of times if you stay in the same industry they count that as continued length in job.

  5. Have some wine, keep on renting, start working on your resume and check out career or and downscale your wedding plans.

    Good luck (I'm sorry)

  6. 1. Take a deep breathe.

    What is your living situation? Are you living together? On your own? With your parents? If you are both  living at home, you might want to consider pushing back the wedding for another year. I know its horrible but I had to do it when my fiancée and I had trouble finding jobs and it stinks but the extra year goes by quick.

    A lot of this also depends on how far you are planning, and how soon the wedding is going to be? Are you in a situation where you can postpone planning or have dates been set and deposits been made?

    My advice would be, if you are living together or if one of you has a place where you could live postpone the house hunting until you know for sure. If you are both living at home, you may need to wait and see what happens before making any big wedding commitments or home buying commitments till you know for sure, if this is possible.

    Also....cut back on wedding expenses and have a simpler wedding if possible. Cut back on other things too to save money in case you would get laid off. Have him do the same thing. You should start looking around and working on your resume in case this happens.

    Jobs are tough right now. I went through a very similar position where I couldn't find work as a teacher because teaching jobs are hard to get where I live, especially in this economy. My fiancée went to school to be a graphic designer and he went through the same thing. The only work he, as a college graduate, could find was second shift factory in a print company. It was the closest thing to his field that he could get. We had to push back our wedding a year because it took us both an extra year to find jobs. I know how you feel, you sound just like me.

  7. i suggest talking thiis through with family, close friends, supportive people you can trust to get their advice, reasurrance, and so you can let the stress all out.

  8. Stay posative!  there is a chance you will be fine!  but best now to start looking just incase.  Plus, you may find somethign even better!

    Houses can wait and keep planning, just nothing solod yet as for dates and deposits till you know!

    It all works out!

  9. Stay positive and start looking for new employment now. Don't wait until it actually happens.

  10. Start looking for a new job. If you get laid off, you will still have some income, though. They have to pay you for laying you off. You should file for unemployment, and they pay anywhere between 1/3 up to 60% of your base salary, depending on your state and the laws. This is not welfare - this is money that the company that laid you off must pay you for laying you off. It also differs as to how long they must pay you.

    When you get a new job or after a certain period of time, you no longer get that money, so make sure you are looking for something now. I would call a local office and ask them how to go about things if you do get laid off - that way you will know what to do and start receiving the money much sooner.

    Don't buy a house yet. And try not to stress out about it too much. All you will do is make yourself sick. Just look for a new job, and try to focus on the positive stuff (like your wedding). And, besides, you might not even get laid off!

    Good Luck!

  11. Darling my wedding is a few weeks. Yes we had a job loss in the family so we had to scale down the weddings.

    Instead of lillys, we got roses. Instead of open bar all night, just during dinner and 3 hours afterwards. We still kept the same wedding but chose different alternatives.

    Also wait on buying a house. I bought a house in august, and wished I didn't. The market is so bad, that my house is worth about 1/3 of what I bought it for. Keeping renting, it will save you money right now.

    As for your job, there are jobs out there, but live in today and don't assume you will lose it. Have a back up plan but don't just sit around thinking you will lose it.

  12. Don't be sad. Concentrate on your wedding (I imagine that you have that all paid for ?) Get married and have a rockin good wedding. My best suggestion would be that you just saddle up with your or his parents if that is an option.. Or even a friend. I know that sucks, and is a weird was to start off the marriage, but I would suck it up and go that route. There is no shame in doing it that way.

    And in fact, it is the very situation I am in (well, sorta). I do have a steady, professional job of 5 months and am getting married a WEEK from Saturday (ack!) Thing is, My bride-to-is Mexican and I am paying for EVERYthing - the wedding, honeymoon, the whole shabam. It of course will be a little cheaper than a wedding would be here, but essentially everything I've made the past several months will go out the window and we'll be starting from scratch. I know she doesn't like the idea of living with my parents but it is definitely the best way and will get us on our feet.

    The house can wait... and maybe it'll be better if you're patient :)

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