
What to do? What would you do?

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My wife and I took a quiz last night. One of the questions was If you didn't feel loved would you start looking. She answered yes. After we were done I asked her if I treated her the way she treated me would she still be in the relationship. She said no. Now we are in a huge fight because I pretty much in a round about way by asking that said she treats me like c**p. She told me that she doesn't love me like she used too and that we should go our seperate ways. She says stuff like just to hurt me when she is angry but if I stay I will never know how she really feels. I'm at a complete loss right now.




  1. Someone tells you they don't love you the same way, I'd leave.  People don't say that when they are angry.  The fact that you two got into a fight over a "quiz' shows there is some underlying resentment.

    Either open up the communication, or leave.

  2. Buh-Bye!

  3. leave

  4. Am I the ONLY one here who knows about marriage counseling?!?!

    For God's sake, man, make an appointment today.  You need to figure out what's gone wrong and then you both need to decide if it can be fixed. You might get lucky at get to that point while yelling at each other, but it's 10 times more likely to work out if you get help.

    And if it can't be worked out, at least you will arrive at that conclusion calmly and with the satisfaction that you did your best.

    Good luck!

  5. You must be a young couple, I'm guessing.  It doesn't sound like a very mature conversation you were having.  We all say words in anger, no matter our age, but if you have a stable, long term relationship you learn to quickly resolve these things and move on.  You learn that no one is perfect and that even good marriages have their ups and downs.  You both need to cool down a bit and then sit down and hear each other out.  You probably belong together,  you just need to fine-tune your communication skills and learn how to listen to each other.

  6. you know what. I would sugegst to actually plan a date. I think maybe your wife feels down now and (its not right) but she is taking it out on you and probably thinks if you were out of this picture everything would be better...thats obiously wrong. I would plan a nice romantic date to re connect, that is if you want to stay in this relationship. If em and my hubby have a day liek that even if he does something mean to me sometimes i will just forgive and forget and understand that he may be under pressure at work or whatever and i do something to make him feel special and in the end of the day he really appriciates it and loves me for it!

  7. Set her straight and tell her that you really need to know how she feels...not just when she's angry.   Feelings during a fight are completely different than in the normal circumstances.  If she is not mad at you and still feels as if she doesn't love you like she used to, then do something about it.  Things could be worked out as long as both parties are willing.  Pray about it.  He'll help you.  God Bless

  8. I think you should look at her with love and kindness and say, "Even though I don't always like the way you treat me, I still love you, and I am glad I am married to you.  It would make me sad beyond words if you ever left me."

    One of you has to end this argument in a positive way, and since you're the one here asking this question, you are elected.

  9. You didn't say how long you've been married. If under two years, then this can be worked out between the two of you. If five to ten years, then let her have some space. She may or may not work this out.  

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