
What to do about Creepy Girl

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Ok. So I'm going into High School and just came out of 8th grade. Well this girl in 8th used to stalk me and try to hug me and stuff. She said she was sad because she was gonna go to a different high school then me. Well she texted me yesterday, I have No idea how she got my number, and said she is going to switch to my high school for me. I'm already nervous enough about being a freshman and I don't want to have to deal with her. She also has these weird friends that do the same things. How should I deal with this?Thanks




  1. i know this sounds like snitching, but tell a principal or counselor or someone. then tell her to back off or u will call the cops. if she was older she could seriously go 2 jail 4 that.  

  2. Aww, that reminds me so much of Sakura, Ino, and Sasuke from Naruto! Ok so you are already nervous about your freshmen year right? Well, just tell me that little stalker ugly or, other than the hugging thing, is anything wrong with her? I think that if she does go to your school you should just talk to her and tell her that you are willing to be her friend IF she stops with the hugs and love confessions.

    You never know, she may be more a help to you then a bother if she became a good friend. Then you wouldn't feel so nervous and unsure at your new school. Try talking to her. If she won't change then tell her that she's annoying and you would never be with someone who throws themselves at you like she does.

  3. Grow some balls and tell the girl to F*CK off. :D Tell her parents, tell your teachers. Do it!

  4. 0H My THATS SCARy..omg

  5. wow that is obsessive. it's rele stupid to decide wat highschool ur going to based upon a guy u have a crush on and he doesnt like u back (no offense to u).  my BF goes to a different HS and i cud have changed but i didnt. but i think it wud be kinda mean if u told her straigth out that u dont like her. but it will most likely work. or avoid her as much as possible. she likes u. do u know her? or u dont wanna bother getting to know her? i dont blame u, her first impressions sound rele creepy. ugh, just imagine her as a GF. *shivers* but yeah. be straight forward or avoid completely. she's going to HS so she'll either find someone new or get the message ur trying to give her.

  6. That's really creepy. Tell your principal/guidance counselor. If nothing else, I bet they could make sure that you're not in any classes with her. If you're lucky, maybe they'll call the parents and talk to them. If she were a little older, she would definitely be eligible for a restraining order, and if things get out of hand, she might even get one now if you feel that she's dangerous or unhinged. Good luck!

  7. Does she look good. Get with her and her 3 friends.(ONLY IF THEY LOOK GOOD). If they ugly tell them off and push their arms away when they try to hug you.

  8. Tell her "NO MEANS NO!"


    ha I bet u totally belived that anyways no im not whoever that creepy girl ur talkin about is........ anyway I think u shuld just talk to her directly and tell her that how u feel about her O O O better tell her u hav a gf and she is wresteler and that she will kick her a$$ if she doesn't back off kiddin lol no but u can tell her u hav a gf and that u don't want to talk to her anymore tell her to BACK OFF and don't answer her txts!!


  10. She's really creepy.If I were you,I would lie to her and say I'm going to another High School.She sounds desperate and she likes you dude.Tell her to stop or talk to her that you get scared that shes stalking you.And tell her to give you some space.

    I know this sound hella stupid but ask a friend thats a girl to pose as your girlfriend and she'll leave you alone.

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