
What to do about Steven Jackson?

by  |  earlier

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I'll probably keep him, but will he sign before the regular season? I have him on my fantasy team and I'm a Rams fan, so I'm concerned on both fronts.




  1. Every right to worry, but keep him for sure. Opon his return he will continue to be a stud and the center of that Rams offense.  

  2. Keep him... he'll play. He won't hold out more than 2-3 games. Hopefully, you didn't bid higher than Top 15 for him though since it was evident they'd have problems getting him into camp.  

  3. My sources tell me it is starting to become disconcerting that he hasn't signed yet only because it will be easier to be injured then.  He will get signed before the season starts - the Rams NEED him.  He will have a monster year and be the come back player of the year - take him!  Trust me - 20 years ffb experience.

  4. wait a lil and if it seems for sure that he is goin to hold out den try to trade and get sumtin

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