
What to do about Tummy Time Issues?

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My son is 13 weeks old. He can hold his head up (and look all around) when sitting and he can stand (as long as I am holding him) BUT if I put him on his stomach he just lays there face down and cries. Is this abnormal? I read that he is supposed to be able to lift his head when laying on his back.. is that true?




  1. Nope, some babies dont like being on their tummies for long time. Just keep working with him. Make it a game....put him on your lap on his tummy instead of the flat floor.

    Put a small pillow under him so his top half is looking up.

    My daughter is rolling onto her tummy now and will get upset still after 5-10 minutes...she is 7 months old. Eventually she will get the idea of crawl and move and it wont be an issue anymore.

    Good luck.

  2. What your baby is doing is very normal! A lot of babies don't tolerate tummy time well at first but even just a few minutes ( even if he just lays there for now) will help him to eventually build up a better tolerance for it. Some babies just don't like tummy time and it's not a huge issue but those babies tend to take a little longer in rolling over.

    My little one was the same way at first but as she got older, stronger and more nosey ( LOL) she did better at tummy time!

    Hope this helps!

  3. i am having the same problem!! my son is 13 weeks old and HATES tummy time.  i found a way to get him on his tummy that he doesn't totally freak out is to prop him on my boppy. then i put a mirror or toy in front of him.  he gets to work the neck muscles and it lasts a little longer than just being face down... hope that helps!

    i wouldn't worry too much about it, he seems to be doing great!!

  4. Have you tried laying on your back and placing him on your tummy to play? That counts as tummy time also. My son has acid reflux so we only did tummy time reclined back with him on my chest. He is actually advanced in that department now.

  5. Its normal. My baby did that also. I never gave him tummy time until he was about 12 weeks because I didn't know you were supposed to. But, as soon as I knew, My husband and I just put him on his tummy everyday at least once a day. He hated it! And would do the same thing. We would leave him until he started to fuss and then flip him back over. Even if it was only for 5 sec. Slowly he would stay longer and longer. He still does not care for it, but hes doing really good. lifting his head up and looks around. Just give your little one a little time each day.  

  6. Try lying him tummy to tummy on you so that he can look at your face.  Also try putting a rolled up blanket under his arms when he's on his tummy to help prop him up.  Most babes go through a period of time when they don't like being on their bellies.  Then they learn to roll over you won't be able to stop them!  He's just fine.  Keep trying once or twice a day.  He'll catch on soon enough.

  7. My son is 9 weeks old and at first I was having lots of trouble getting him on his tummy....I recently bought a lil toy thing at walmart that he lays on that props him up and under him is a mat with toys and things to look at(it looks like an airplane, think its called baby flyer but cant remember)..This gets him to stay on his tummy for a lil longer but still not more than 15 minutes..Now that he is getting a lil older and able to move his head and look around he is begining to like it more...I would try tummy time when your baby isnt fussy or it might just agrevate them more...And like maby others said you can use pillows or blankets to prop your baby up and save the money fom buying the toy..Hope this helps

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