
What to do about a 2 year old who keeps attempting to bite off his little brothers fingers and toes?

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i have a 2 year old nephew (who i am afraid of MYSELF..even as being his 25 year old aunt) b/c he always attempts to bite off his little (6 month old) brothers fingers and toes even in front of his mother! (leaving deep bite marks)...he also likes to squeeze his littles bro's cheeks to a point where he is in tears..and he pushes his lil bro down..and stomps on him at times..

his mother tells him to stop and puts him in "time out"..but he won't listen..and he starts to laugh about it..(evil i know)..even when we spank him..he doesn't learn from it!! we think its b/c he is jeolous of his little brother--but he does it to ALL babies..

he even likes to pinch and bite his mother and father--and he once yanked my hair !!

i think he is OUT OF do we discipline him?!!




  1. it might sound bad.. but with a child that wont listen in time out. you have to spank him. and keep spanking him. and you have to do it where it hurts or he will keep doing it. and when he bites.. bite him back and tell him if he does it again you will take him to the dentist and have them pull his teeth out.. worked with my nephew (dont bite really hard just enough to show him it hurts.)

  2. maniac...

    well what you could do on the toes and fingers issue is to paste some really hot chile pepper on the fingers and toes and let him taste that. Dont give him water for like a minute and watch him learn his lesson.

    And maybe for the stomping problem, tie his hands or legs together whenever he brings another kid down

  3. wow.

    he sounds like my four-year-old cousin.

    we've yet to figure out how to handle him.

    keep him away from smaller kids....?

    i dont know. good luck with him.

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