Okay...i dont know whats wrong but im SO freaking out!!
I HATE DENTISTS, and im so scared.
i had this tooth, its a molar on my top right side, and they were going to do a root-canal procedure on it, but then nobody ever made me my appointment, (im only 14), and everyone just neglected it, including me, because i have a fear of dentists.lol.
but anyways, its been bad for like, a year now.
and it started breaking off, so i just decided to break it off.
its been broken off above the gum line for almost a month now, and i think theres still parts of the tooth in the gum, liek the roots maybe?
like the gum surrounding JUST THAT TOOTH, hurts when i apply pressure to it, like pressing my tongue against it kinda hard.
What should i do?
what do doctors do to fix this? is it a really big deal?
Does it hurt?
PLEASE help me, im so lost, and scared....i hate this!