
What to do about a broken tooth, PLEASE help?!?

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Okay...i dont know whats wrong but im SO freaking out!!

I HATE DENTISTS, and im so scared.

i had this tooth, its a molar on my top right side, and they were going to do a root-canal procedure on it, but then nobody ever made me my appointment, (im only 14), and everyone just neglected it, including me, because i have a fear of

but anyways, its been bad for like, a year now.

and it started breaking off, so i just decided to break it off.

its been broken off above the gum line for almost a month now, and i think theres still parts of the tooth in the gum, liek the roots maybe?

like the gum surrounding JUST THAT TOOTH, hurts when i apply pressure to it, like pressing my tongue against it kinda hard.

What should i do?

what do doctors do to fix this? is it a really big deal?

Does it hurt?

PLEASE help me, im so lost, and scared....i hate this!




  1. This exact thing happened to me. My tooth was growing in crooked cause my baby tooth wouldnt come out so my baby tooth cracked and it hurt so bad. So i dont like dentists either. But i couldnt take it anymore. Anyways I went in and he gave me laughing gas and gave me a shot in my gum. I didnt even know it was shot until my sister told me. I was so out of it with the laughing gas. after that he started to pull. It hurt bu not like "OMG! that ******* Hurt". and that was pretty much it.

  2. well if your scared of the dentist go in and their going to give you numbing medicine but if that wont cut it they can put you to sleep. if you prefer. doctors cant fix it only dentist

  3. same sort of thing happened to me, with one of my front teeth. The dentist might just put a cap on, like they did with me. It doesn't hurt at all really. But the thing with that is it might come off, mine was broken at the gum too, and now, a few months later, its getting loose and will probably come off soon. if its your molar then it will most likely come of pretty quick coz you use that tooth all the time to chew and that. In that case the dentist might do something any case you should get it fixed...if the whole tooth comes out and you leave it for years, all the other teeth in your mouth will start to move to try and close the gap and that could s***w up your WHOLE me i got heaps if tooth problems (also due to parents negligence) and its definitely worth going to get it fixed even if it hurts a bit!

  4. You need to go to a dentist immediately! Leaving a broken tooth for even a day or two can allow an infection to travel to your heart or brain, this can be fatal (my cousin and a family friend have died from this!)

    They will numb your mouth when they do any work so don't be scared about that. You should see a dentist first thing in the morning (or better yet tonight, but I doubt you will do that).

  5. Ok what you should first do is put the tooth in some milk, so it will stay strong for a while. Get to the dentist as fast as you can, and you have to over come your fear or else you'll have a chipped tooth and it won't look too good. I don't think braces would be able to help it either in the future.

  6. The only thing you can do is contact your dentist and get a refferal for a dental surgeon. Being that you broke the tooth off at the gum line or below the gum line the only thing they can do with the tooth is to remove the remaining roots. They will in most cases give you Nitrous and probably a mild anthesia so they can remove it quicker and with less damage to your gums. There is nothing they can do with it being so damaged and broken. Sorry.

  7. Dear this is called as dental phobia, and its the major cause of delaying the treatment that is needed. You had already delayed a treatment of root canal which was advised by dentist. and now it will be a surgical removal of the roots that are left behind. I don't have to tell you that its the more complicated procedure than a RCT, but you have chosen it. So still if you ignore it it will be up to you to decide. Its always better to go for the treatment in initial stages. Dental phobia can be overcome by lot of things, go to your dentist and tell  them that you afraid of the things i am sure they will be help you. there are lot of improvements in modern dentistry. you can take advantage of it. the only thing is to ask for it. Get going.......

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