
What to do about a crappy waiter?

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I have a local restaurant that has a great menu, location, and price. I usually tip 15% on all tabs, have great conversation with the waiter, and recommend all my family and friends go there. Here is the problem. I had a new waiter who gave less than stellar service so I dropped his tip to 5% and that was generous. The next time I visited this restaurant he was my waiter again. Again crappy service. But this time I think he gave me crappy service because of my 5% tip from the time before. I tried talking to the manager, but the manager says no one else has complained about the waiter. So I am stuck in a bad service bad tip bad service marry go round.

How do I get out?




  1. Careful you might just find something floating in your soup...enough said

  2. Spit on his food...oh, wait a minute, that's what we do to you...

  3. don't go there again! lol no but find the district manger and tell them that you aren't getting any help from the manger. or next if you get the same waiter ask for another waiter

  4. You could try requesting a different waiter when you go there, the manager should if he wants to keep your business accommodate you.

    To be fair I should point out that imo, its a hard job! I try to tip well and sometimes you never know perhaps the guy had a really bad day and he wasn't on his best game.

  5. Just give crappy tips for crappy service.

    Better yet, no tip at all.

    If he treats you really badly, then complain to the manager again or ask for another waiter.

    Not always good to complain in a restaurant though. You never know what they're putting in your food.

    You can always switch restaurants.

  6. If you like the place that much, I'd ask for a different waiter's section when you return.

    I once gave an absolutely horrible waitress a $1 tip on a $60 check. She chased me down the side walk and demand to know "why". So I went back into the restaurant and let her ask the manager "why".

  7. Personally, I'd ask for a waiter that you like when you get to the restaurant or when makig a reservation.  This will help in 2 ways.  First, you'll get a good waiter and second, the manager will notice find out that someone is requestion waiter B and waiter B will get some much needed good attention.

  8. Maybe the waiter had been sent after you in other ways.  If he really spit in your food, I guess it was still better than sticking foreign chemicals in it.  If he was rude to you at least he did not kill you.  You do not mention whether the waiter previously might have known you, or known who you were, from somewhere else.  I could mention what I got in my salad one time, but it would be too gross to tallk about.

    If you really like the restaurant a lot and it is part of a chain, you could go to another restaurant of the same chain in your city.  Otherwise, you could try to find out when the waiter has his days off, or when he gets off his job, and go to the restaurant then.  Hopefully the waiter will find a better job.

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