
What to do about a ganglion cyst?

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I have a small bump (maybe 1/4 inch) bump at the base of my middle finger on my right hand. From what I have read, I think it is a ganglion cyst. It doesn't really hurt, but it is a little tender when I poke at it.

What do you do to treat this? I am going to the doctor for a physical soon, so I will definitely ask about it.

Just wondering how other people deal with this problem. Thanks!!




  1. There isn't anything you can do. These things just happen. They are usually surgically remove.  And it is quite simple. There is nothing to be afraid of.

  2. I had one on my wrist, it eventually ruptured and I had to have it removed. Outpatient procedure, was out of  work one day. Hurt for a couple of days, but other then that, no problems. Left a scar about 2 inches long, hardly noticable.  

  3. I had one of those on my wrist. I had to put a brace on it. For about a year when I would be doing something strenuous I would have to brace it. I no longer seem to have any problems with it.  

  4. Hi Anna !

    I actually had a ganglion cyst near my ankle bone, I never experienced much pain with mine, only minimal although other people can experience worse pain. I went to see a specialist because it was really hard to find shoes to fit because it was pretty large and uncomfortable and I had a surgery to remove it. The surgery was my choice because I didn't want to live with it any longer ! lol

    My grandmother actually had one on her wrist and the doctor just told her to keep pushing in on it, she did and eventually it did go away. With that said my advice to you is to still go see the doctor and get his/her opinion ! Hope I helped :)

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