
What to do about a man that can not leave his mother ?

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I am dating a 52 year old man that has to see his mom everyday and before he can go somewhere he has to call and let her know. His mom will call the house a 12 oclock at night and ask for him to come over. We live 50 miles from his mom and he will go out of his way to go see her every day he talks to her about our personal problems our s*x life. What should I do. He tells me you had this house before I moved in why should I have topay to live here.




  1. Looser !!!!!    Send them both flowers with a "was nice to meet you" card. And be done with his silly butt.  You are to old and I am sure to nice of a person to be dealing with a man that can't leave his mother.  You need to find a man that wants you and can get priority in life strait.

  2. Cut and run. I was married for 13 years to a Momma's and Daddy' s boy. I finally ran out of patience with them. She will always be first. He should respect his mom. but it sounds like this is too much. Been there, done that. He is not going to change. If you can live with it. go for it. If you cannot, cut and run. my life is far better alone than with the contsant, and I do mean constant interference of the inlaws.

  3. I started not to answer this question because it is so pitifully.  You can forget it, he will never leave his mother and she will always come first in his life.  He is a mommy's boy.

    You can either except that, or go find someone else.

    Good luck!

  4. He's 52 years old so his relationship with his mom is not going to change until she passes. As for not wanting to share the cost of living in your house, it really should have been discussed before he moved in but, since he lives there, he should contribute to cover the expenses. He sounds pretty immature for a 52 year old man. Perhaps it would be best to end the relationship with him.

  5. Leave him. Seriously, if you want his mother knowing every ounce of your privacy, and if you want a very insecure man in your life, then don't leave him. But if you don't, you better get heading the other way. This guy is fifty-two years old, he shouldn't be needing his mother now. Find a better guy.  

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