
What to do about a neighbor who won't stop feeding my dog spoiled meat?

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We live next door to a small restaurant owned by a man who we have had problems with since day one because of him feeding our dog's spoiled meat and cooked bones.

Previously, he had thrown spoiled meat into our yard which my old APBT mutt got to before I could. Ever since I've had to check MY yard before I let any of my dog's go outside.

Just this morning, however, he gave our APBT a cooked bone as soon as I went inside to get one of her toys; I had to run outside and clean up all the sharp pieces before she ate any more.

I went to talk to him this afternoon and the only thing he said was, "Oh, okay, sure."

We've talked to him countless of times and we've put up a sign that says "DO NOT FEED DOG". Do I really need to inspect MY yard because this man does not seem to get it? Is there anything I can do to make sure this doesn't happen again?




  1. Video tape him.  God forbid he feeds your dog something and he gets sick, at least you will have hard evidence to prove it was him.  The bones are very dangerous, they splinter and can really do damage to your dog.  Make sure this jerk stops.  If he doesn't call the police and show them the tape.

  2. all you really can do is tell him to stop its not like you can call the cops i doubt they will do anything. maybe you can tell the man that your dog got sick and if he doesnt stop throwing food over the fence you will sue.  

  3. I dont like it when people feed my dog without asking me.  He has had gastro-problems in the past from being fed the wrong things..  he once had diarreah for a WEEK after someone fed him a tiny bite of bratworst!

    My approach?  I tell people if they feed Fred, then to expect the end results in the mail!

    Of course talking to the authorities is probably a better appraoch.  It is littering, and Im sure he's suppossed to dispose of food in a certain manner.

  4. Geez. That sounds like war. Anyone who would want to hurt my pooch has to get through me first.

    The only thing I can think of is calling the police and telling them this man insists on throwing spoiled food products into your yard. At the very least it may get him a littering or dumping fine for each offense. After a while, he'll get the idea.

  5. Yikes what a nightmare... I'd talk to authorities. I know you want to keep it civil but really its LITTERING and its not disposing of food products properly. He is not complying with federal health codes. Its a violation that COULD have him fined or shut down. Maybe look up some of those FDA laws and maybe mail it too him, no need to be anonymous since I think he'd be smart enough to know who it was from. It would save you a confrontation too.

  6. Well you have tried to be nice about it, just tell him  you will have the police come and talk to him. May be he will get the message not to feed your dogs. They can get food poison to. And bones can hurt them ,  even kill them. My friends dog choked to death on a bone. I don't know what else to tell you. Tell him if your dogs get sick he will have to pay for the vet bills. Good luck  

  7. Call the County Health Department.  They inspect restaurants.  They probably have some regulations as to disposal of spoiled food and garbage.  Get the Health Inspector on a restaurant's tail and they will straighten right up.

    If that doesn't work, Give back to the restaurant the results of their "treats"  (ie: diarrhea or other p**p)

    Build a taller fence, get a meaner dog,

    Be sure they aren't feeding him just to shut him up.  Is he barking?  

  8. Get a video recorder, keep it out on your lawn, and sue him or threaten to sue him if he feeds them one more time

  9. tell the cops or put a dam big fence with lock  

  10. you probably dont want to start a fude between you and your neighbor but i would call the police and sort this issue out apparently NO ONE should be throwing things in your yard, especially when there are animals that could choke apparently this neighbor of yours is stubborn but i hope this works out for you!

  11. That's a tough one. I guess you could call the police and tell them he's throwing garbage over into your yard. They could get him for littering.  Until it's resolved, you can give him the "end results" of his meat tossing.

  12. Check with the police department, they can at least fine him for littering.

    Consider a tall solid fence.

    Good luck.

  13. Tell him that if your dog gets sick or chokes, he will, be sued and sued and sued. You could ask the police to have a talk to him.

  14. What is his problem? Jeez, some people.

    No-one is to feed my dog ever, for this reason alone, some people just have no idea.

    Tell him if he wants to feed your dog, save it in a doggy bag and you will give it to him at mealtimes, if you see fit.

    If that doesnt work;

    Write a letter to him asking him not to feed your dog ever or get your vet to write a letter telling him of the dangers of cooked bones. State in your letter of all the verbal times you have asked him and keep a copy of the letter.

    If he still continues to feed your dog go to the police or the RSPCA inspector and file a complaint. You at least have some documented proof of you asking him and you have documented the times you have verbally asked him.

    If you have it in writing the authorities will take more notice of this situation.

    Good Luck.

  15. I that would start off by contacting your local Animal  Control Officer and tell him that your neighbor is jeopadizing your dog's health by "throwing his trash in your yard".  Also tell him that you believe this is animal cruelety that could very well take the life of your dog.  If this fails then i would contact an animal avocate organization. Maybe one that specializes in your type of dog.  Good luck - you'll get help i'm sure.  

  16. take a video camera record the Police im 100% sure it'll get him to stop

  17. Call the cop's.  

  18. Maybe you could thank him very much for his kindness but your dog is on a diet cos it is a bit overweight, so rather than throwing the food over the fence if he could put it in the fridge and you could collect and feed it to your dog at its normal feeding times.

    Of course, it is up to you whether you give it to the dog or not.

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